I am so glad you like everything!! Being a secret santa is SO fun!! :bgrinWell I've been waiting to post until I got my camera back from my daughter but that hasn't happened so I will post just to say a big Thank You to Gena. I got my package and sat in the driveway to open it.. :lol: I can't stand unopened packages and it was so much fun because inside the big package were all these great wrapped other packages. It was so much fun to open each. She sent me a wonderful book that I had never seen and I read it the first night. It is The Horse's Health Bible (The Quick-Reference Guide to the Diagnosis of Common Veterinary Problems), 2 of the cutest cowboy boot shaped picture or recipe card holders, a beautiful teal horse lead, a precious hand cross=stiched ornament with a rocking horse, the cutest zipper pull with a tiny horse on it. (I thought it was a tiny Christmas ornament :lol: ) and a Beanie Baby horse which my 2 1/2 year old grandson has been fighting me for which has a choice seat on a branch of my Christmas Tree. I love everything and thank you so very much Gena for being the greatest Secret Santa. :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033::![]()