AM I FIRST????? When I went out to check Susie Q this morning, she looked like she had EIGHT legs... hiding her jennet foal behind her
gotta get back out there...
Edited to add, I think her name will be Clementine
Edited again to remove link to pictures, if i get time i will put a picture directly on here. sorry i didn't know that wasn't "allowed", i have so many places to post pictures that it is too time-consuming to do each one individually. i have seen lots of other people put links to their websites but mine is unable to be edited with new stuff due to computer problems. anyway sorry.
04/24/08 sorry it took so long, here is one picture of Clementine to be of record on the thread:
If anyone wants to see more or the puppy, the blog link is in my signature and the post for the day they were born would be February 11 (although there are additional pics of both in later posts)
Congrats on a precious puppy and adorable donkey! They both are so cute! Is Hannah a Rat Terrier? She looks so much like our Beatrice, although Bea is a mite bit chunkier
CONGRATS and what a cutie. Susan, from now on could you post the pictures/post you want our forum members to see on THIS forum, rather then having us go to your blog. Afterall
that is what this forum is for. If they want to go and read your blog thats fine, but the pics shoud be posted on here. Corinne