2013 AMHR Nationals Sept. 5 to 15 ♥ LIVE FEED ♥ Watch here!

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If you are receiving the message that the page has been changed, don't worry. I spoke to them at 4pm EST and they are having technical problems. They are working on it and will be back up asap.
Watching again now! class #125 Amateur halter sr. stallion -under.

wow big class
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They seem to be up and running. Jumper Under class jump off happening.

I'm looking forward to seeing my first Liberty class.
Anyone else frustrated by the camera work? I keep trying to see the placings on the driving classes and the camera spends so much time focused on the reserve champion I miss at least 3rd place, often 4th as well. Gahhhh! Ok I feel better now that I've vented ;)
I finally cleared my history and cookies, and then tried again and now I finally can see it, but I get it to come up, when nothing is happening. LOL Just my luck.
Well I guess I wasn't the only one missing some of the horses that placed because since I posted they have been showing the horses that place 3rd on down after showing the reserve and grand. :ThumbUpWish I could thank the cameraman/women
, its nice to see all of the horses and compare my picks with that of the professional judges and now I can.
Grrrr, page can't be displayed again this morning...........
Question, is the music that we are hearing on the internet being played for the show itself? Anyone at the show and seeing the internet to know?
Gosh I hope it's up and running tonight! My husband is wanting to watch the team chariot and the draft hitch classes that are tonight. Those are what he competed in before he had to retire his team. Now he's working on a new team-hopefully will be showing them next year. He likes to see what the others are showing.

It's great to be able to see Nationals if you can't go in person!

Another P.S. -about the kids and helmets (got to get the rule book out I guess). I still think any Youth should have to wear a helmet if driving or riding in ANY class. The was a young man in single draft last night with no helmet. I have seen video on what happens to the brain in a fall (with and without a helmet) and it makes you think HARD. It's not just equine events wear helmets are either required or used. (well, that's another thread I guess).
Team Roman Chariot up now! Oh gosh that's cute!!
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OMG! Adult costume was hilarious. I'm not sure, but I think my fav was Sylvester, Granny and Tweety. And, I'm sure I saw two Duck Dynasty inspired costumes.
Anyone watch the two horse draft class? My phone shut down at the beginning of the individual work and when I got the stream back the grey horses had been unhitched and were standing there. Did something happen??
The one gray wouldn't stand and started rearing and flipped himself over the pole. He was held down, the other horse unhitched and they got him unhitched. Both horses seemed fine.
Yes, the right hand horse had a bit of a melt down.
Too bad, they were my pick for reserve but ....Glad everything worked out as well as it did. No one was hurt and the horses should continue as harness horses just fine. I doubt they were unduly traumatized since everyone around them stayed pretty calm and matter of fact.
I believe he drove the same team last year and had trouble with the same horse (right side). Didn't flip but was buckjumping and rearing a bit in the arena. I know we have a gelding that is somewhat like that. I hope he straightens up. Sure hate to see that happen to my husband. But you never know with animals or humans what will 'trip their trigger' LOL!!!
I hope I don't get 'flamed' too bad for this-but-in the Roman Chariot Race last night I saw one of my BIG pet peeves going on with a majority of the drivers (and I know it's a race; but that still doesn't excuse it). And that was the huge amount of slapping of reins on horses to get them moving out! Poor reinsmanship to the 100th degree! For one thing it sends a mixed message: slapping to stimulate forward movement and the slap causes movement of the bit that can indicate to slow, etc.That'st voice is for and maybe a light use of the the whip (light meaning touch and amount). Hurray for Melissa Meharry for her exellent reinsmanship and congrats on her win!
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Comes from watching too many western movies and series from the 50's...


I hope I don't get 'flamed' too bad for this-but-in the Roman Chariot Race last night I saw one of my BIG pet peeves going on with a majority of the drivers (and I know it's a race; but that still doesn't excuse it). And that was the huge amount of slapping of reins on horses to get them moving out! Poor reinsmanship to the 100th degree! For one thing it sends a mixed message: slapping to stimulate forward movement and the slap causes movement of the bit that can indicate to slow, etc.That'st voice is for and maybe a light use of the the whip (light meaning touch and amount). Hurray for Melissa Meharry for her exellent reinsmanship and congrats on her win!

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