Beautiful chandab! Wonderful addition for the 4th of July!
Yes, vintage blue with a gold thread through it, and brown. Hope it looks like a bird bath! I'm working on stems and grass now. And I painted inside the cloud purple/gray. The birds will have musical notes --not sure yet how to do those. Maybe beads...Oh I like that! Is that rick-rack you used?
Marsha, you've created some beautiful things, but this is my favorite of them all! It's perfect.Finished. I wasn't sure when to stop, but the little bees were the last and my brain said "that's enough". It was fun; I need an idea to be inspired to begin another.
What a story! Hard to believe his legs are toothpicks. What is the over all height?He started out as a ball of aluminum foil and was my first foil armature. His legs are toothpicks. I used leftover paper mache clay but it only covered the top half of him. Then I decided he was awful and set him on a shelf for over a year. Every time I moved him, his toothpick legs would fall out because I couldn't find my glue gun. I finally started on some other paper mache projects and decided to finish him. His feet are just globs of paper mache clay. I painted him, named him Thunder. While I was looking over his fresh paint job, I dropped him! He seemed fine so I set him on the shelf to dry, but when I came back his nose was cracked!
View attachment 50203So he became Thunderstruck!
And again he sat on a shelf for a few months. But I finally repaired his nose and repainted...then added a few touches, including the golden horseshoe for luck.
I plan to make a note on the back describing some of the fabrics. The piece of green in the upper left is interesting: I bought a cushion at the thrift store to fit on a bench. It had some kind of cotton on it, don't remember now what it was, but I planned to remove it. Under that cotton was bark cloth with a floral design! Under the bark cloth was this lovely green silk. Very old. I've been cutting it into little pieces for years, saving all the scraps.Marsha, he is about 4 3/4 inches tall to hair sticking up taller than his ears. If measured like a real pony, he's wider than he is tall. And I was thinking about all our fat little minis when I decided to make him.
I love your slow stitch. Is that an old school? Is the tiny key from a diary? It looks like a cool old doily behind the school, maybe a green one, another with flowers (mom/grandmother?) and a tie (dad/grandfather?) Of course I love the bird. Can you tell the stories?