Big plans this weekend, HUGE! We packed up and headed to McCown Valley State Park for Bentley first overnight camping trip. I got everything all set up at camp and off we went to find some trails….
We found the trails… what a disappointment! The grass on the trails were taller than my horses, boo! There was a teeny tiny gate that I would have had to unhitch Breezy to get through, boo! I was really looking forward to this trip as it was only 1 hour away from home, but it was a bust, boo

We carted maybe 35 minutes, boo! So I decide to pack up (the same day we arrived) and head back home, boo. I was a little nervous to head back home at 1pm with the temps at 100 degrees and the fell like temps at 110, but it was only an hour so off for home we went. I was extremely happy once we got home to find my horses were absolutely fine in the trailer. No sweating, no panting, no flared nostrils, no sign of heat at all, YAY! Good to know. It wasn’t a completely failure, I have to look on the bright side of things… my ponies got to trailer together for the very first time, they did get to see new sights, and my trailer is perfectly ventilated… so win, win? I think so. Win some, ya lose some.
So today Bentley and I ended up ground driving at Oakmont Park here in Fort Worth. Beautiful park, lots of shade

I think I have the most photogenic horse on the planet

Ohhh, you think your horse is more photogentic? Oh yeah, post up!