2024 Hours Driven

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2.14 miles with Billy and total time 57 minutes. On the way, Pepper roused up a mouse on the side of the road. Pepper is a RAT terrier. She pounced at the mouse and it stood up on its hind legs and challenged her. She made a mock dive and it jumped up and slapped her on the nose! For almost a minute Pepper mock pounced and the mouse jumped up and slapped her. It finally got away in the wheat stubble. So much for the mighty hunter! I didn't have a chance to get my phone out as Billy does not stand still very well, but it was hilarious.
Never a dull moment on a rural drive!


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About 1.5 miles with Rowan on Sunday - VERY fast due to clouds of deer flies. Tried the deer fly patches but my patch only caught about 10 flies out of at least a couple hundred swarming around us at any given time, and Rowan's patch mostly caught his own hair. 🤣 Best approach seems to be heavily spraying picaridin on the places they like to bite the best, and wearing a hat. They were around us the entire time but I don't think either of us got bitten too much.
Took Phillippe and Falcor out for a beautiful walk around our hay field today for 45 minutes. Was so nice!
My mom wanted to drive with me, so she took out Phillippe while I drove Falcor. It was nice to be able to drive the two together and just relax.
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Saturday I took out Phillippe for a trip around the hay field while ponying his new friend Ricco. We were out for 45 minutes. Jasmine went out with her spare kid for an hour as well! Handy to have extra kids around to drive when I'm down one.
Sunday I drove Jasmine and Ali took out Falcor for an hour.
Monday I drove Phillippe and brought Ricco along again, out for an hour.
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Drove Falcor for 45 minutes last night.
Poor dude hadn't been out for 2 weeks! Bad mom!
I'm glad the weather is good for driving where you are. It's too hot here, except for very early in the morning. Have to be home by 9 a.m.
I hope Billy will be able to go for a short drive soon. He is galloping now when turned out for a few minutes.

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