2024 Hours Driven

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Had a fantastic weekend with my daughter and our littles!
Phillippe drive for an hour and a half, as did Jasmine.
Falcor ground drove for about 45 minutes.

Sunday Jasmine and Phillippe were out for another half hour each as well!
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I'm sorry this is so hard to see. Numbers hates me now and trying to share the spreadsheet is not working for me toinght.

Congrats to everyone getting hours in and having driving adventures. My minis where late in coming home this spring and just got here a week ago. I had my first babys goat born 10 days ago and I am now milking twice a day since one baby passed and momma is making too much milk. I also have a horse getting eye meds 3x per day (we're on week 12 of meds)

Anyway... enough whining from me. I'm heading out to drive horses tomorrow morning. Then I'm headed to Texas next week to pick up a mini horse trailer!!! Now I can load minis AND a wagon/cart and take them to drive trails.
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30 minutes driving Perry today while ponying Candace. My 4 year old son rode with me while my dad walked along with us since it was our first time ponying a horse while driving.

40 minutes drivning Candace. She was soooo slow. I think her feet may have been hurting her a little so I'll be getting her some boots. She had a bad bout of laminitis last summer and I think boots will make a world of difference for her.

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30 minutes driving Perry today while ponying Candace. My 4 year old son rode with me while my dad walked along with us since it was our first time ponying a horse while driving.

40 minutes drivning Candace. She was soooo slow. I think her feet may have been hurting her a little so I'll be getting her some boots. She had a bad bout of laminitis last summer and I think boots will make a world of difference for her.

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Hard to believe he is four! Seems like just yesterday you were expecting. Perry is amazing.
Phillippe was out for an hour last night. I got a track-my-ride app for my drive yesterday to find our average speed and what I always figured was a half hour or 45 minutes was a full hour! Oops! So, we did a full hour last night of road work.
And Falcor made faces at the cart as we walked past before I put him away so he and I did some leading bringing the cart with us. He actually has no fear of the cart and its' sound and moving with us, even bumping into the shafts, no issue. I'm looking forward to putting him back between the shafts soon. But going backwards and doing groundwork has definitely benefitted him.
Didn't have a lot of time to drive last night so each Jasmine and Phillippe went for 30 minutes.
I tried to pony Phillippe and drive Jasmine. Donkey did not like that idea so he had to drive on his own. I also broke my fancy, new MCR whip while flicking it backwards to motivate donkey. I did not even contact him and the thing snapped. I'm so disappointed!
Didn't have a lot of time to drive last night so each Jasmine and Phillippe went for 30 minutes.
I tried to pony Phillippe and drive Jasmine. Donkey did not like that idea so he had to drive on his own. I also broke my fancy, new MCR whip while flicking it backwards to motivate donkey. I did not even contact him and the thing snapped. I'm so disappointed!
Oh, dear. Maybe if he gets used to it he will pony better.
I participated in a parade a few years ago and after loading up to go home, I left my expensive whip on the trailer fender. Went back to look for it, and of course I couldn't find it.

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