There is no time to wait anymore.... it's time to push and push HARD. Who is the governor of the state of Kansas? I am going to cross-post on every horse forum I can think of, I am going to ask all to contact dateline NBC, no waiting now, 50/50, etc. etc. etc. I don't think this sherriff will like being put in the lime-light with this horrendous situation that HE has done nothing about, He won't look too darn good and so he should look like the uncaring individual he is, the same goes for the owner. When I get back to work on Tuesday, long weekend here, I am going to post this on the government website and ask all to contact the media (dateline, 50/50, etc. etc). Start getting EVERYONE you know to email, write, etc. They may be able to ignore a few hundred, but they won't be able to ignore a few thousand. I am staring right now! So Mr. Sheriff and Mr. Trembly, I hope you are ready to be put in the lime-light....I wonder if anyone, a person, has ever tried taking a owner to court, on behalf of the horses, and suing them... that would be interesting, representing those that don't have a voice.