I called the governor's office. Got told to call the sheriff. Called the county commissioners--twice--and got no answer. called the sheriff's office & got the Ft. Scott (?) police department. The sheriff & deputy were out.
Maybe they had to go meet the news crew?
Gad, I hope that when the news crew gets there there's someone for them to talk to besides just the sheriff--some horse person that can give them some truths about horse care.
I don't know Lisa, I do so agree with what you said, about how is it possible that the sheriff's department can just not care like this? It's unbelievable to me too, and yet that seems to be the way it works in so many of these cases. Did anyone else here ever used to read the Cruelty Investigation articles in Horse & Rider magazine? I don't know if they still do these as I haven't read the magazine in years, but back in the early 80's there were stories in there about different cases of horse starvation. One I especially remember was in Idaho--a number of starving big horses, winter time, no feed. When they'd get reported the sheriff would actually call the owner & warn him, and when an investigator got to the property the horses would have hay & water. It took weeks and weeks of legal wrangling before the horses were finally able to be rescued--in fact in that case I think it was more like months, not just weeks, and I don't think that was the first offense for the owners. I never could figure out why on earth the sheriff would aid the abusers that way, and yet it was true--he did. The rescue people finally had to go way over the sheriff's head & get someone to come out from another center--someone who was willing and able to work on their own, without having to follow protocol and involve the local sheriff.
It's tricky, too, if the owner gets some feed in. Just because he gets feed in doesn't mean he actually has to be feeding the horses. I was just talking to a friend here, and she said a farmer near where she lives decided one winter that he just couldn't be bothered to get his butt off the couch and go out to feed his cattle. The cattle were starving, he got reported, the animal care people came out to look and found that there was feed on the place. There wasn't any in with the cows but it was there on the farm. Owner says he's feed the cows, the feed is there...nothing could be done. While it seems perfectly obvious to all of us otherwise that these cows were not being fed enough, if at all, it was possible they were being fed. My friend said that they finally had to have the guy's place under surveillance for days, to be 100% sure that the cows were not being fed at all. Eventually the cows were removed, but it was a long painful process.