FMC Minis
Well-Known Member
This is interesting since the sheriff told one of the reporters scheduled to air the story tomorrow that there is NO ongoing investigation.The Sheriffs department tells us it is monitoring the situation- carefully.
And the report from the fort scott tribune I recieved said the sheriff said some of the mini's had been removed from the owners care and the rest just have worms.
Maybe we need to collect all the emails with the varying sheriff responses and send those off to the commissioners.

The commissioners and townspeople need to know of his improper working habits and lies.
:new_shocked: Also we should see before this is all over and done with...about getting something done so that he can't have any more horses ever. I see it happen all the time when they are convicted of abuse in this degree.
This is so exciting to know it is getting out in the public where it belongs.
:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE RESIDENTS THAT CARE!!! We need your help to get things taken care of the right loving way!