Well-Known Member
Ok first of all. I had a colt born on Memorial day early morning. I thought he was a dunish buckskin color but now I am really not sure on his color at all. His dam is a solid dun (her dam was a pal. pinto & sire was a sorrel pinto. And his sire a solid palomino. This colt has no SILVER any where in his pedigree. All being either sorrels/bays or pals. The colt has two blue eyes....not sure what caused that as neither parents have it and have never thrown it before, but I am maybe guessing that momma has the pinto gene since bother her parents were pintos, and her sire had blue eyes. Anyway... he is like a golden color around his eyes, but his mane and tail are like an amber color, he has a light brownish colored skin around his bright blue eyes and and nose, and if I pull back his hair he looks blackish/grey under neath. But has a golden color in certian spots. His dams skin is the same color brown......do you think he will be the same color as his mom?
this is sire DB Golden Banjo owned by Dobsons Miniatures
this is her dam Prairie Views Little Miss Destiny (with her colt)
and some more photos of my handsome lilttle guy
and one other question for my mom. She bred her mare last year and her due date this year is June 26th. She testerd her around nov/dec with a urine pregenancy test and it came up positive, as it did for her other mare that already foaled. So this whole time we have been thinking she was pregnant. But she didnt really seem to be overly Huge but still looked pregnant, the other day she was over at the fence teasing the stallion and was in full blown heat or what it seemed. So mom just figured she wasnt pregnant...so he bred her to her stallion since this will be the mares last foal. Well 2 years ago she faked a pregnancy, we could get some milk from her but not enough to test. So thought she might have been preg. but didnt know when she would be due since she was out in the pasture with the stud.But she never foaled (shes the gal that loves having babys, so we thought she might have just milked since the other mares had babys and she was so use to having on every year). Well tonight mom tried to breed her again, and she wouldnt let hero near her at all! Kicking him. So mom took her in the barn worried now that she may just be pregnant. So she tried to see if we could get milk to test her and she was milking like a COW! We got so much it tested hard (2 blocks away from the 12hrs of foaling). SO...what do you's think could she be pregnant? Or just faking again. I dont have any pics yet. But also a few months back she was trying to hump the other mares, and she did that last year when she was pregnant with a stud colt.We think we have felt the baby kicking, but also thought that the year she was faking it. Thanks all for the help!
this is sire DB Golden Banjo owned by Dobsons Miniatures

this is her dam Prairie Views Little Miss Destiny (with her colt)

and some more photos of my handsome lilttle guy

and one other question for my mom. She bred her mare last year and her due date this year is June 26th. She testerd her around nov/dec with a urine pregenancy test and it came up positive, as it did for her other mare that already foaled. So this whole time we have been thinking she was pregnant. But she didnt really seem to be overly Huge but still looked pregnant, the other day she was over at the fence teasing the stallion and was in full blown heat or what it seemed. So mom just figured she wasnt pregnant...so he bred her to her stallion since this will be the mares last foal. Well 2 years ago she faked a pregnancy, we could get some milk from her but not enough to test. So thought she might have been preg. but didnt know when she would be due since she was out in the pasture with the stud.But she never foaled (shes the gal that loves having babys, so we thought she might have just milked since the other mares had babys and she was so use to having on every year). Well tonight mom tried to breed her again, and she wouldnt let hero near her at all! Kicking him. So mom took her in the barn worried now that she may just be pregnant. So she tried to see if we could get milk to test her and she was milking like a COW! We got so much it tested hard (2 blocks away from the 12hrs of foaling). SO...what do you's think could she be pregnant? Or just faking again. I dont have any pics yet. But also a few months back she was trying to hump the other mares, and she did that last year when she was pregnant with a stud colt.We think we have felt the baby kicking, but also thought that the year she was faking it. Thanks all for the help!