Well-Known Member
My two weanlings left last weekend, so I'm down to four Miniatures! I can hardly believe it, I haven't had this low a number since 2001, and that was 3 Minis and a full size horse. I'm finding with less to care for I have time to do some "fun" stuff.
A local nursing home director called me yesterday, one of the residents in asissted living had a last wish to see a horse. They asked if I would be willing to come with one of my horses. Of course I said, I would love to! This afternoon I cleaned up Spring my 18 year old "been there done that" mare. They wanted me to come to the resident's window, I said I can do better than that, Spring will come inside. The woman we came to visit was a true horsewoman, I walked Spring up to her recliner close enough so she could pet her if she wanted to, but it put Spring's nose in her lap. She clearly commanded "Get back" and so we did!
Other residents and staff in the wing came to see too. Spring was a star! She doesn't flinch around wheelchairs or walkers, no matter where they approach (even directly behind her), she makes excellent turns on the forehand or pivots in small spaces.
We made one more stop to another resident's room before leaving. It was a wonderful visit, I really enjoy it and they want me to come back in the spring or summer for a longer visit.
Later since I already had the trailer hitched, I decided to take my young stallion (2 1/2 yrs) to a local park with my dog for a walk. My goal is to get Carnival off the farm and some exposure to new places. He did really well, he pranced all thru the park and only spooked one time at a skateboarder who was crouched down on the skateboard whizzing down an incline next to the path. Picture this, I was walking a mini on one side and my teeny 5 lbs Toy Fox Terrier on the other side. I was a sight for this suburban little town!
One jogger came up behind us and then slowed down to ask "What is that?" I should have some kind of giant dog, haha!
It was a great day, it is a joy to share my minis and have some fun!
A local nursing home director called me yesterday, one of the residents in asissted living had a last wish to see a horse. They asked if I would be willing to come with one of my horses. Of course I said, I would love to! This afternoon I cleaned up Spring my 18 year old "been there done that" mare. They wanted me to come to the resident's window, I said I can do better than that, Spring will come inside. The woman we came to visit was a true horsewoman, I walked Spring up to her recliner close enough so she could pet her if she wanted to, but it put Spring's nose in her lap. She clearly commanded "Get back" and so we did!

Later since I already had the trailer hitched, I decided to take my young stallion (2 1/2 yrs) to a local park with my dog for a walk. My goal is to get Carnival off the farm and some exposure to new places. He did really well, he pranced all thru the park and only spooked one time at a skateboarder who was crouched down on the skateboard whizzing down an incline next to the path. Picture this, I was walking a mini on one side and my teeny 5 lbs Toy Fox Terrier on the other side. I was a sight for this suburban little town!

It was a great day, it is a joy to share my minis and have some fun!