A Mingus adventure...

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Nov 30, 2002
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This weekend we took Mingus horsecamping at Long Beach, Washington. As usual, we stayed at the Peninsula Saddle Club, but for once we arrived before dark. We had our choice of corrals and selected one clean of manure and old hay and without dangerously deep holes.

Mingus had actually stayed in the same corral in a previous year, along with other minis. We put him in, Keith filled his bucket with water and I grabbed some hay. I evidently took too long, however, because Mingus tilted his head and stuck it through the pipe gate to steal a mouthful. Once his head was through, he tilted it back upright and promptly discover he was stuck and began to jerk back -- there was no way he was getting out with his head held straight.

I was terrified he would break his neck, but fought to stay calm and put my arm around his neck. Luckily, Mingus is very trusting and willing to let us get him out of predicaments, and as I spoke softly to him, he stopped struggling and relaxed. I kept my arm around his neck as Keith gently turned his head and freed him. The only injury was to my finger that got in between his jaw and the pipe as they parted ways, but I was grateful to feel only that pain.

We found that the corrals on the other side had much wider spacing between bars, and Mingus now had no interest in sticking his head through, but I was thoroughly traumatized and could not leave him in any of the pens. We ended up taking him back to our campsite, and he slept in his van stall while Keith and I slept in the not-so-comfy captain's chairs (that don't tilt back due to the bulkhead divider). Normally we convert our van from horse hauler to clean, dry camper, but not this time.

Our sleep was fitful, due to sitting upright, worries about what could have happened, and the sounds and smells of sleeping right next to our horse, but I was happy for every sound he made that night.

The rest of our weekend was great fun, and Mingus discovered the joy of pulling the cart through tidepools, and sending Keith flying out of the cart at one unplanned sudden turn (I told him to hang on...). The only casualty of the spill was, literally, the spilling of my latte, which I had just handed off to Keith.

Instead of the usual beach driving group, this was, due to work schedules, Nationals, weather and other conflicts, just Keith, Mingus and me. Liz (Nootka), her boys Brandon and Colton, and a friend's son dropped by Friday night; Daryl (BigDogsLittleHorses) met up with us Saturday (after confusion over meeting time and beach accesses); and my sister joined us on Sunday.

Along with racing down the beach and calling to seagulls, Mingus discovered barrel racing and pole bending in the campsite arena. He had so many admirers, both on the beach and from other horse campers. We also accidentally participated in the annual Long Beach Rod Run -- a weekend-long cruise of classic cars down the main drag. Included with the hot rods, jalopies, low riders, vintage autos, and 60s muscle cars was one big, white Chevy Express van with a mini inside and two doofuses up front. What were we to do but smile and wave?

Our drive back home was delayed by construction on the Astoria bridge, so instead we drove on the north side of the Columbia River and took the tiny (11-car) ferry from Puget Island to the Oregon side, so chalk another new experience up for Mingus!

But back to my warning: PLEASE BEWARE of pipe gates and fences! Make certain they either cannon get their heads through at all, or else the pipes are far enough apart to be safe. I still shiver whenever I think of this, and now have a "gate plan" for future trips.
Wow what a neat adventure! Well except for the gate episode! Did you take pics? It would be neat to see some pics of Mingus at the beach!! I know I would love to take O So to the beach, but it is an 2 hour drive from here! Who knows, someday I may have talk hubby into making the drive!

As far as the gate goes, I have an opposite problem at the arena I visit with O So. The gate has to big of spacings and I worry O So will manage to get out of it! I came up with something that is easy to put on and remove. I just haul it back and forth with me in my van! All it is some plastic fencing. I don't really know the name of it, but here is a pic of O So looking through it!


It's the small square stuff. It gives me piece of mind that I can walk away from the gate and O So is safe!

I know you weren't asking for a fix, but I thought I'd share, just in case someone wants a tip for using a temp fix on a problematic (non owned) gate!! Did that make sense?
Thanks for the suggestion, O So! Is that deer fencing? (Ideas are ALWAYS welcome!)

I think you'll find that two-hour drive to the beach well worth the time once you get him out on the sand -- it is SO much fun!

No photos this time, but here's a video from our 2008 beach drive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu9OJgmh-gk

taken by Daryl (BigDogsLittleHorses). It show Mingus (big blood bay with the goofy looking driver), Daryl and Dancer (Chestnut with bald face and flaxen mane/tail), and Leia and Kody (small, high energy chestnut -- famous from Leia's posts).

Marsha, the fun did make up for the scare, but everytime I think of it, it still bothers me. I try to think of all of these things, but I sure missed the gate danger!
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Thanks for the suggestion, O So! Is that deer fencing? (Ideas are ALWAYS welcome!)

I think you'll find that two-hour drive to the beach well worth the time once you get him out on the sand -- it is SO much fun!

No photos this time, but here's a video from our 2008 beach drive http://www.youtube.c...h?v=fu9OJgmh-gk

taken by Daryl (BigDogsLittleHorses). It show Mingus (big blood bay with the goofy looking driver), Daryl and Dancer (Chestnut with bald face and flaxen mane/tail), and Leia and Kody (small, high energy chestnut -- famous from Leia's posts).

Marsha, the fun did make up for the scare, but everytime I think of it, it still bothers me. I try to think of all of these things, but I sure missed the gate danger!
You know, I really don't know what type of fencing it is. I just know it is plastic and you can get it at Home Depot! It is only about 4 feet tall! We bought it a long time ago to keep the chickens out of certain areas of yard.

The video was awesome!! I love the shot from the riders perspective!! That was really neat! Thanks for the link!!
Sorry you were so scared Susanne, wish the boys and I could have been there!

susanne said:
The rest of our weekend was great fun, and Mingus discovered the joy of pulling the cart through tidepools, and sending Keith flying out of the cart at one unplanned sudden turn (I told him to hang on...). The only casualty of the spill was, literally, the spilling of my latte, which I had just handed off to Keith.
How many times have I told you not to drink and drive???

susanne said:
Along with racing down the beach and calling to seagulls, Mingus discovered barrel racing and pole bending in the campsite arena.
Sounds fun; how'd you make that one work? That arena has always been way too deep to drive in, to my eternal regret. Did they change the footing?

susanne said:
But back to my warning: PLEASE BEWARE of pipe gates and fences! Make certain they either cannon get their heads through at all, or else the pipes are far enough apart to be safe. I still shiver whenever I think of this, and now have a "gate plan" for future trips.
We've got a bunch of pipe gates at home these days and I'm actually rather glad of it as the boys learned early on what to do when they get their heads stuck. It's automatic now for them to duck, twist and retreat! It makes me worry a lot less at shows and campgrounds as I know they won't panic when they stick their heads through things to get treats.

O So said:
Did you take pics? It would be neat to see some pics of Mingus at the beach!! I know I would love to take O So to the beach, but it is an 2 hour drive from here!
There's a photo of Mingus at the beach back in July with my own beach photos on the driving forum, if you want to see them. The beach is a good six to nine hour drive for me but I still go every year!

Leia, gate incident aside, we wish you had been there!

As for the arena, I'd say this is where Mingus' size is definitely to his advantage. Daryl felt it was too tiring for Dancer; I was careful not to overdo it, but Mingus had no problem. He LOVES pole bending and whipped right through them.

I forgot to mention that, for the first time in over two years, I drove -- a motorized vehicle, that is. Someone had ridden a big horse on the track in the rain, so the sand was choppy and rough. My vision isn't a problem on a sand track with no other cars, so I drove our van over it several times, and then Daryl went over it to get the bumps I missed (I had to guess at the tracking of the van tires). Whooda thunk that would be so much fun? Next time we're taking a chain link fence along in case we need to drag it.

Haha -- you're right about that drinking and driving!

We had a funny moment as the tide was coming in on Sunday and the sand was softening -- we drove past some of the townies who hang out and help people get their cars out of deep sand. The two of us were too much in the footing, so Keith hopped out. One of the guys said, "I thought we were going to need a push." I replied, "I can just hear you guys telling your friends 'some idiots got their horse stuck in the sand and we had to push them out.'"
Wow, that looks so fun! (Scary incident aside, glad he's ok!) My husband and I are seriously considering moving our little 2 and 4 legged brood up to WA/OR, when he saw the video you posted he was like "what are we waiting for? let's move!"
Thanks so much for posting it, we really enjoyed watching it.
That looks like sooooo much fun. Just reinforced my desire to learn to drive (thanks, I think LOL). Looks like a wonderful place to camp with the horses and in part of the video I felt like I was in the drivers seat.
OH NO!! YOU SPILLED THE LATTE!!There is NOTHING worse than spilled latte!!

All kidding aside, it sounds like that would have been a fun filled day! Glad Mingus trusted you guys enough to calm down so you could help him. Sounds scarey and we all know how quickly things can esculate and go wrong.I think I have a few horses that would totally flip out and panic in that situation and 3 that would most likely stand there acting dumb and attempting to make lemonade.Hope your finger gets better.

Wish there was some place around here that would allow horses on beaches you guys always seem to have to much fun!!

You would love it in the NW -- come on up!

Suzzanne - looks like a lot of fun and of course you were far more traumatized than Mingus. I think that God put horses on earth just so that we stay on our toes -- geeze, if there is something that COULD go wrong, you can bet that evenually a horse will figure out how to make it happen - no matter HOW SAFE the look of things - they just seem to "FIND A WAY"


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