Fences ting when they're grounded out. With a strong energizer, you can hear it almost anywhere on the line. I heard it right next to the energizer, then walked 800+ feet to where it grounded out.
Galaktyka & Gwiazda wore the muffs. Andromeda is still poll shy. Her personality is less friendly/curious than the others. I also see her trying to be the boss mare, but it's not going well, lol. She's a bit stubborn, which matches her head shape, kinda looks like a mule's.
Horribly humid, 80F. But my koi pond's water is still too cold to jump into. I'll never understand how others are able to wear suits and ride in this weather. I'd pass out no matter how much water I'd drink.
So, I let the sisters back in...
Then a short while later, I went outside & found Andromeda on the wrong side, freaking out.
Caught her and put her in a paddock by herself.
I'm not sure why she keeps escaping, but I can't have her teaching her sister to also do it!
Pic of said criminal in her jail cell.
Gwiazda didn't want her neck's right side clipped when I was on her level, but standing, leaning over her magically made it OK!
Galaktyka didn't want her neck's left side done until her right side was done. Lol. Started on her back first, until she believed it was okay and felt nice.
Andromeda is still separated, so I didn't try her. Too sweaty any way.
Most of their necks got shaved, even if you can't see it. Going to braid their manes later today.
Andromeda had her first trailer loading session yesterday. Took 12min with treats. She doesn't do well with lead/poll pressure.
Today, it took less than 2min.
Pics are all in order for the following posts. We hopped off, turned and got back on a 2nd time before being done for the day. 2nd time only took a min or two.