A nightmare almost comes true

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Little Wee Horse Farm

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I'm not trying to pat myself on the back or say what a good person I am. I just want to post this to let folks know that, despite your very best efforts to find good homes for your horses, anything can happen once they leave you. I'll try to make a long story short (those who know me know better)

About 4 years ago, sold mare, filly beside her & bred back (3 in 1). Buyer seemed like a good guy & his wife was nice too. I'd met them several times before.

Saw them 3 years ago at a horse show. The mare had had a gorgeous leopard colt. I asked if I could buy her back (not bred & without colt) The guy wanted approx. 3 times what I had sold her for to him. Uh, no. He said he already had a buyer for her at the price he was asking, so I was just out of luck if I didn't want to pay it. At that show, his treatment of his horses in the showring was bad enough that he was disqualified by the judge. I was not happy.

Fast forward to this summer: A man I hardly recognized stopped at our house & asked me to come look in his trailer. I realized it was the same guy. I said I wasn't interested in buying any horses. He said maybe I would be in these. It was MY GIRLS!!!!!! He was on his way to an auction with them!! They were soooooooo skinny & downtrodden I didn't even recognize them at first. He had to tell me. The leopard colt the mare had on her at the fair (fine & healthy then) had died before he was one year old. :new_shocked:

I bought the girls back. There was no choice & no decision to make. It just had to be done. I've been feeding them up & after just a short while, they are doing so much better! I'm so pleased with their progress.

I actually had planned to go to that auction that nite, tho I rarely go. I'm so glad the guy thot to stop at my house first. One of my nightmares is to see my horses at a not-so-great auction or in a newsreel, living under a porch in a ghetto or something. I'm NOT putting down well-run reputable auctions, just the cheapie ones where meat guys go.

The girls are gaining weight & their coats are getting better. They actually were running, kicking & bucking the other day. The mare called to me even on that first nite. She remembered me! I've posted this just to say that things can happen to horses -- even when you try your very best to do your best by them. My camera is DOA so no pix right now. Maybe later. We've been in business for years & have kept pretty good tabs on the horses that have been sold, but try as you might, you can't insure a good home when they leave you.

I know this topic has come up here from time to time -- But keep trying! If you sell your horses, do the best you can to do the best for them. It's hard, but it's necessary. This is one time I screwed up. These people sure fooled me. Just goes to prove, it can happen to us all - even those of us who have been breeding & selling horses for years............... a more humble karen
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I know how you feel, I have been in the same situation. Sometimes you can never be sure even if you know the people. They may have the nicest facility, big fancy barn, but that doesn't mean they will take care of them. Then there are ones that if you had seen their farms before you sold the horse you would have thought twice, but the care they give them is beyond belief.

My best advice if you truly are concerned is to contact their vet.....IMO if they have a regular vet and they can give them a good reference, then that shows me they care for them, and most the time the vet has been to their place and can truly tell you if it is a good home.

Hard to read but is a good ending. :aktion033: I tell our buyers if they cannot keep a horse any longer to contact me. The buyer of the palomino below did that after a year. I won't post the before picture but here he is fat & happy with his gypsy vanner buddy.

[SIZE=10pt]I'm so glad there was a happy ending. It is so sad when things turn this way. I have kept tabs on some horses that I sold a family. They are doing great. We even had them back to our house a couple of times to bred them to our stallion. They looked good, hoofs trimmed etc. They send their wormer and shots along for us to give them during their stay. [/SIZE]
thank goodness you got a chance to get them back. Stories like this make me question how much longer I want to be a breeder. I try to check out folks but some times the horses get resold and you never find them. My vet has told me to quit worrying about them after they are sold, but that is easier said than done.
I'm so glad everything came out all right. Even when you think you've picked a good home you just never know! But we can't keep them all and the majority of the time(I hope) things go as planned. Good luck with your girls......I'm sure they're thrilled to be back!
It was heartwrenching to see the girls, but if anyone can love and feed them back to where they should be, you can!
: Just makes me sick that people can neglect a horse like that :xbud:
My feeling is, I am very glad you got them back from a bad situation, but at the same time I am VERY glad that you sell horses.

Just imagine if NO ONE had ever sold YOU a horse, because they were scared you would not take proper care of it! And yet, LOOK AT YOU NOW!! You are a WONDERFUL owner who loves and cherishes each and every horse. I know, because I remember all the hard times you have gone through and I have read your postings time and again through the years - so THANK YOU for being a trusting person who would give a new person a chance. I think that is terrific!

Each and every peson in the forum is the same - at some point in our history, someone was trusting enough to let us buy their own little treasure!!! MOST of us take the best care of our horses we possibly can. Of course, there are some real cone-heads out there, but generally speaking inviting someone to share in the incredible joy of the miniature works out very well. I guess the message I take from this is, you can't judge a book by it's cover - and that is a great thing to be reminded of.
Karen thank goodness he dropped in- if you were not fated to have them back I do not know who was!!

What a HUGE coincidence- that you were in, that he thought to drop by, that you were going to the auction anyway (where I'll bet you could have picked them up cheaper- Bless You for going the extra mile for them)

I have said, as you say, once they are sold they are beyond our care, but we can still do everything we can when a chance like this comes up.

I'll bet they were glad to be home!!
Oh my, what a blessing he came to you. I agree 100% with you. I try to keep track of all my kids that have been sold, I've been blessed that I know where they all are in the 5 yrs I've been selling. I just heard from one person that she sold what was my horse but it has such a great home and I will still know how she's doing as time goes on. I guess I think it's part of my job. I am SO glad they are home with you. Well done! :aktion033:
Oh thank you all for saying such nice things. Sometimes, when we least expect it, blessings double! The worst of times can create the best of friends. Gees, I think sometimes about how long I've known some of you -- just online.

And others, like Lisa of Candlelite, have become dear personal friends. I met her when she bought Fanny from me years ago. Now we're old buddies -- just like her & Fanny are. And Joanie of CJMM & me. We're peas in a pod! And there are others. But MANY started out by buying our horses, and the first meeting with them coming about because of the little ones.

And you guys online? I happened to be goofing around on my own website today & went where I shouldn't have -- to my "In Memory" page & to the "We thank you" page. I'll never forget your kindnesses. I cry everytime I go there. Out of sadness, yes, but also because of the outpouring of goodwill too. I'm still overwhelmed.

Yep -- blessings can double when you least expect it. This time, I'm touched again by your kind words. Thank you. I'll tell those girls just how good the wishes are for them here and how many folks are pulling for them in this little corner of cyberspace.

: to you!
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