A truly good "mini" morning,,,,,,,,

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
Any morning is good when all the horses are out running and playing and enjoying the cooler weather. A few were so full of their self they got out of control and lost balance while running and kicking. But they got right back up with the attitude, no one saw that, I'm cool!

It's the additional that makes it all a complete mini good day!

Pulled everything out of the supply part of the barn and power washed the floor. Cleaned and scrubbed every water tank, feed pan and bucket used for most anything under the sun. Not sure what had been in some of them. Cleaned out the big winter water tank and double checked the heater part still worked. Washed down the rubber mats, cleaned and disinfected all brushes and combs. Cleaned all the clipper blades and put them in blade box. Got all hoof equipment cleaned and in storage bin. Food in metal cans, rotated, hay cubes in tupperware stacked and put up, and a ton of the pine shavings I found for a $1 a bag loaded into barn and covered. Went through medecine kit and got rid of some expireds, made list of what needs refilled. All put back into the barn that was pulled out earlier, washed all halters and leads, and the last of the blankets are in the dryer as I speak!

Ohhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,and it isn't even 9 a.m.

Good, good mini morning!

What's yours?
If you ever move to Arkansas and need a job give us a call !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda Killion
5:35 a.m.

But, I woke up on a mission as I had decided last night that is what I'd be doing, and had a plan.

Went out, put water and cleaner in things to soak,,,,,,got what needed to be washed inside, brought it in and started the washer,,,went back out, cleaned what was soaking, washed floor,,,,came back in,,,,,,,,things went to dryer and started another load in washer. etc...........and it all went rather well.

It is all pine fresh clean!!!!!

Not really, but they all do look and smell better.
Wow!!! I love those days when you feel a sense of accomplishment!! Good job, time for a nap??
Can you come to VA?

Actually, I had that type of thing "planned".....for this week. Then, Monday afternoon I get a call from the hay man -- msg says, will start to bale tomorrow after lunch! So, had moved up a week in the schedule. A FULL week
May have suited his farming schedule but, screwed mine up!

Soooo........I'm thinking -- HOW can I get 300 bales of hay out of the field alone???????? Does this qualify for panic? This is Monday night, weatherman says rain Thurs, I've told my "hay hopefuls" the following week. Geesh! God was watching over me! Tues I go over and get one trailer of about 65 bales. Had recruited my oldest Gr dtr to go and drive thru field for me as I loaded. At home I found my daughter had rounded up my son and they helped unload!
We all then went back with my rig & son's pickup, another trailer and a friend of sons ---- brought that home & tarped until Wed AM. Son re-scheduled a job he was working, to stay home & help me!
His friend was also able to work all day!

My entire supply of winter hay is now in my hay trailer, the barn, and anywhere else we could find
But I am THRILLED!!! Beautiful bermuda, tested, clean, horses love it, DONE!

Now, I have the balance of the barn issues to deal with -- tack room is smaller by about 100 bales!
But, all is good. Oh, one end of the barn aisle is full -- USE FIRST -- but, since no foalings for months and they are in outside run-ins, it's fine!

All I can say is this -- watever they charge to deliver and stack, it is WORTH IT!! 9 ton is a lot to handle. And the son's friend, Danny -- 6'5" of good looking power, farm boy...........ahhhh, to be 30 yrs younger!
Gosh Carolyn, I am inspired!!!

I often make plans to do those things and then get side-tracked...but if I get "some" of it done I feel very proud of myself.

Love that great feeling of accomplishment!!!
Bess Kelly NEVER one to try and one up you but last sunday I put up 250 bales BY MYSELF all 5' 4" of me. I'm getting too old for this **IT. But like you I am SO GLAD its DONE and mines a 3rd cutting straight grass LOVELY STUFF.

Frankie all that is on my to do list for this weekend 4 days off and the weather is suppose to be in the 70's. I also need to finish my windbreaks for each stall opening. And get 4 truckloads of sawdust (pine and cedar) for 20.00 a load a heck of a lot cheaper than the bag stuff its up to 6.00 a bag here.

Leeana,,,,,,,us older folks have to get things done early, before the day itself wears us down.

This evening only got horses fed and stripped the floor in the rest of the barn and stalls. Gorgeous day to do so.
There you go -- never count us oldies out -- we run on Duracells !

Gosh, I AM REALLY glad it's over though
Leeana,,,,,,,us older folks have to get things done early, before the day itself wears us down.
This evening only got horses fed and stripped the floor in the rest of the barn and stalls. Gorgeous day to do so.
LOLOL Isn't that the truth. We can usually get started at a decent time, but come suppertime, the feeding had better be done and anything else that needs doing--Otherwise, it will probably wait till morning. We figure that if we can't do it the next day, someone will.

Dave and I cleaned 19 stalls today and left 16 for tomorrow. We will need to get a load of sawdust first. We get 3 nice large scoops of sawdust for $10 and need to go 26 miles for it. A lot better than $5 or $6 a bag of shavings.

A good mini day start is to see all 70 or so animals up and waiting for us in the morning. The rest of the day is always good if they and we are all good in the morning.

I wish all of you great mini mornings, afternoons and evenings.

Probably true if you were a morning person to begin with, but the older I get, the more of a night owl I become...

Actually, I am up late, late, late (3am or so) AND up early (okay, 7am...not as early as Carolyn). BUT do not get in the way of my afternoon nap!

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