Well-Known Member
OK,..Here is the scoop!!!
Fred got his income tax done,.....All our bills are paid up to date,......and he gave me $500.00 so that I cant buy my horse!!!!
I know that 500 wont cover the whole price,..but,...I am just looking for pet quality right now,....just to have a warm,fuzzy four legged friend for me to hold and cuddle is good enough for me!!!
I am soooooooooooooo very excited,..now I can surf for a horse and actually have some money up front that is mine totally for this purpose!
I do have to pay Fred back some of it when I can though,..but,...he can wait,...He has to live with me!!!
So now I am surfin for my new 4 legged friend!!! This feels soooo good,..just keep your fingers crossed for me that nothing breaks down or somthing,..so ,..that my beloved Fred isnt asking for it back to fix somthing with. LOL
Fred got his income tax done,.....All our bills are paid up to date,......and he gave me $500.00 so that I cant buy my horse!!!!
I know that 500 wont cover the whole price,..but,...I am just looking for pet quality right now,....just to have a warm,fuzzy four legged friend for me to hold and cuddle is good enough for me!!!
I am soooooooooooooo very excited,..now I can surf for a horse and actually have some money up front that is mine totally for this purpose!
I do have to pay Fred back some of it when I can though,..but,...he can wait,...He has to live with me!!!
So now I am surfin for my new 4 legged friend!!! This feels soooo good,..just keep your fingers crossed for me that nothing breaks down or somthing,..so ,..that my beloved Fred isnt asking for it back to fix somthing with. LOL