A very naughty male dog....

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2007
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Northern Nevada
I have two male chins. They are father and son. Well, the ladies came into heat and we didn't breed this time. We are going to have them both neutered. But since the girls were in heat and he didn't get to breed, he has taken to trying to rape his son. This is not just the dominate humping. This is stuff out and going for penetration. What can I do to stop this besides separate them?
Separate until neutering. When they are together in the house, the dog that does the humping should be on a leash at all times so you can correct and prevent.. Very annoying behavior. Humpaholic I call that.

It could take a few weeks for the hormones to calm down after neutering so I would keep them separate for a few weeks after neutering as well.

PS I was talking about you having the boys neutered... I re-read your post and think you were talking about having your girls neutered...and leaving your boy doing the humping is remaining intact... re-posting to say, best for all if all are neutered in multiple dog households IMO.
Dog isn't being naughty, just overwhelmed with his hormones and acting out. Intact male dog housed with two females coming in heat, its a wonder he isn't going crazy with stress of it all. I am not bashing you at all, but just encouring you to think about neutering all of your dogs for peace and sanity. We had two intact male dogs dropped on our farm not long ago. The younger dog behaved much like you describe your dog is behaving, humping 24/7 on the other male dog. Thankfully both are now neutered, behavior gone dogs are both learning to live with other dogs and be manerly and not mark in the house... yippee, happy ending.
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