AAAKK...My baby girl is gone to summer camp!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Yesterday I drove my little one, Bri, 3 hours north of here to a Christian Horse Camp. Got her registered and got her set up in her cabin and bunkbed.

When it came time to say goodbye we kissed and hugged and kissed and hugged........and she called out again a goodbye as I went to the car........

I keep expecting a phone call from camp that she wants to come home.......Not to mention, with Larry gone right now, this house is awfully empty!

Thank God it's only a weekend camp. I don't think I could have left her for much longer........I go back and get her tomorrow afternoon.

Michael won a week to 4H camp one year.

He never forgave me for making him go. I thought it would do him good.

He was always such a homeboy.....never even went to a sleepover. Hated not being home.

I sure hope Bri is having a blast.
Awww I know how hard it is to let go Raven is jsut spending the night at a friends house and there is that moment of WHOO HOO FREEDOM and then about 10 min later I am like now what do i do...
: Aww MA. Bri will have a blast and with Larry gone you need to take this time to build your inner strength and surround yourself with some positive energy. ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) my friend.
She's going to have a wonderful time! I used to work at an Equine Day Camp....we had summer kids, weekly kids and weekend was all such fun for everyone....I'd work at a day camp again in a minute!
I worked 3 summers years ago at a girls camp in Northern WI. but this was a 8 week camp. I was one of the horse riding instructors.

This was a Girls camp from Chicago all Jewish girls camp. That was 3 nice summers for sure.
I am a big camp lover too. I attended camp from the time I was 11 and have spent many happy weeks helping out at camps too. I've been a riding instructor at a Christian camp in MT a few summers and loved that especially. I'm sure your girl is going to have a blast!
Brianna is 10 and had never been away in a situation like that before.........with total strangers!

Picked her up this afternoon and you were all right........She had a WONDERFUL time! *I* was the basketcase!!!

I drove in a half hour earlier than the posted "pickup" time and sat in the car. A few minutes later I saw a line of horseback riders trekking into camp with Bri in the midst of them waving and greeting me. She dismounted and called me over..........No hugs or kisses........all she wanted was for me to meet her horse! LOL!

It seemed like forever with saying goodbye and gathering up all of the crafts and projects she did before we finally got going. And then for about a half hour of the trip she was telling me ALL about the weekend.......non-stop. I was also informed that she DEFINITELY was going back next summer. Then, all of a sudden the car got quiet and her little head was nodding and she slept for a good hour until I woke her so we could get a bite to eat.

Karla - (Barnbum) Thanks so much for your e-mail. It was perfect. It sure does help to know that we MOM'S are not alone. :bgrin


There is absolutely NO WAY that Bri is 10 already -- that makes you and me :new_shocked: :new_shocked: It wasn't all that long ago that a little tiny Bri was filling her pockets with rocks at my house!

I don't feel any older - just wider

Hugs My Friend,


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