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Along these same lines....I detest the minis for sale adds with "large" children riding them!! Thank you lilbeginnings for not having these ads, but other online resources do..
I reported them too. It makes me SO mad that there are so many. Considering that some of these people weigh more than the minis they're riding, I say we put them on their knees and let their horses sit on THEM for a while.
I went ahead and reported this one. This horse apears to have some dwarf characteristics and this large lady is still riding it. It's wouldn't be acceptable even if the horse was 38 inches.

Now that is cruel! :arg! and tickes me off. Just makes me sick!
Education is the key but how do you educate stupid people!
They say dumb is when you don't know any better and stupid is when you know better and do it anyway.

So if one knows better I'm assuming you can't educate em' they just don't care.
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This is just pure ignorance and nothing makes me more upset! I went and flagged every video I could find. I can relate to this because it was abuse like this that led me to the purchase/rescue of my first mini. He is only 30" and two teenage boys were just plain antagonizing him in every way they could think of and one would grab his halter and the other would jump on his back. His little back legs actually started falling out from under him! Needless to say he was on the trailer and on his way to my house that day.
These videos just make me sick, but it just amazes me how tolerant some of these little guys are. [but, I just love it when they give these ignorant people what for and dump them.]
Those are just wrong! It's a good thing I wasn't the horse as I would have been using my back feet kicking the crap out of them.
I am bumping this one up because I sincerely hope that our forum will use their power to go to YOUTUBE and express their dislike for the displays of animal abuse and in particular those affecting these defenceless miniature horses.

The O.P. has provided the information to make your views known.
These people shouldnt even be allowed to own a miniature or any other animal for that matter. They actually think their abuse if funny! It makes me sick to see it.
I can't see the videos yet, but I'm amazed how many people ask me if *my* kids ride our horses. My kids are 12.5 and almost 17!!! People are simply either too stupid or totally unimformed. I'm making it my goal to teach as many people as possible that miniatures should only be ridden by *small* children if at all. I would prefer that many of the minis under 34"not be ridden at all.
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These videos and the people in them disgust me and make me want to cry. At my high school equestrian team state competition last year there was a rather large girl riding her mini around bareback. I saw her and approached my coach, who upon seeing how upset I was went to talk to the authorities. The girl was told that she was not allowed to be riding bareback or without a helmet. :arg!

My mare Kassie is the team's mascot, and everyone on my team would never dream of doing something like that to a mini. This mini being ridden was about 30 inches tall. My coach later brought the issue to the board and requested that if such behavior was seen at any of the team shows before or including states, the girl could be banned from showing.

People are horrifically ignorant and disgustingly stupid.

I can't see the videos yet, but I'm amazed how many people ask me if *my* kids ride our horses. My kids are 12.5 and almost 17!!! People are simply either too stupid or totally unimformed. I'm making it my goal to teach as many people as possible that miniatures should only be ridden by *small* children if at all. I would prefer that many of the minis under 34"not be ridden at all.
I do have to say that we have to remember (while many of these videos are clearly wrong) that many of us grew up riding ponies about this size. Many of us grew up on Shetlands and there are many videos of sheltands overseas being used and ridden and not by toddlers and those ponies are pefectly fine and able to hack these riders around and over fences

Granted they are not young ponies nor slightly built ponies I had a pony I rode as a pre teen he was built like a brick house and had no problems carrying a rider and I know many others here have as well

I do not agree with the way these minis in these videos have been treated by any means but I also do not agree that minis as a general rule can only be ridden by toddlers sadly for these horses in the videos there is no common sense used let alone horse sense
Personally I'm not one for encouraging ANYONE regardless of there age/size that miniature horses are suitable for riding.....


I know that there will be some of you that disagree; sorry but that's my opinion.....
Personally I'm not one for encouraging ANYONE regardless of there age/size that miniature horses are suitable for riding.....


I know that there will be some of you that disagree; sorry but that's my opinion.....
I have to agree with that. I understand many people rode ponies when younger but that doesn't mean it was right or didn't hurt the horse. Look at how many people smoked in the 50s. We didn't have the knowledge then to tell us that it wasn't healthy. We do now. Its only recent that people have begun to look into horse comfort and healthy seriously.

My other thought is if you tell people some can be ridden they wont always know which ones can be so they end up thinking that if the horse puts up with it, it must be ok (again, not always the case. Look at Ruffian who continued to run with a broken leg. She put up with it but it wasn't ok). My guys are all under 34" and Kinson and Missy, in addition to being very small, are very petite and refined. They couldn't tolerate any rider safely
This breaks my heart!!! I hit the dislike button and reported it as abusive. Hope it helps! And I also hope those "people" get what's coming to them!!
I can't see the videos yet, but I'm amazed how many people ask me if *my* kids ride our horses. My kids are 12.5 and almost 17!!! People are simply either too stupid or totally unimformed. I'm making it my goal to teach as many people as possible that miniatures should only be ridden by *small* children if at all. I would prefer that many of the minis under 34"not be ridden at all.
That being said, would love to get folks opinions on where to draw the line on little kids riding? Being a grandma and all.

And rather than age limits can we talk about weight limits? You see I have a 2 1/2 y/o grandchild perfectly healthy and just now getting into 18 month clothing

This little darling is P E T I T E and looking at her baby pics she was a chunky monkey well fed nursed baby. But here she is 2 and a half and just started into 18 mo clothes.

My 7 y/0 granddaughter is not at over weight, little girl figure but when you pick her up (when I arrive she always runs and jumps in my arms)

One wonders WHERE the heck is she hiding her weight. Her mother and I call her Moose sometimes. Solid little girl.

(Maybe it's because we're so use to the younger one feeling like a feather when we pick her up)

So what kind of weights are ok on these Mini's? Heck my girls would just be as thrilled to drive as they would be to ride.

I don't think most non horse people are stupid as they are ignorant. They just think 'horse' I'd go with totally uninformed.

Now horse people like in these video's? That is down right stupid with total disregard for the animal.
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