We had quite the adventure today! ☺ Stopped by a pet store and let people love all up on her.
Also weighed her, she's a whopping 51.6 pounds!
Then we went to Aldis where she stayed in the van with my mom

Apparently she kept coming over to the window and whinnying for me to come back, and when I opened up the door to put groceries inside, she pushed past me and hopped out! Went right into her heel position and stood there waiting, so she got to meet quite a few shoppers and help me put away the cart.
And then, what I'm most excited about, was her first public shopping trip as a service mini!

She ROCKED IT. She was so calm, focused, and didn't try to interact with anything or anyone. We went to our local dollar general, as they know all about her there and have met her outside of the building before.

While waiting for her to go potty outside, we started getting followed by a man with his dog, who followed us right into the store. Wanted to show his dog the horse, and admitted he was just a pet; which explains why the dog kept trying to go after Sodapop. Luckily we were able to get away from him, but it still freaked me out a little; Sodapop just didn't care though.
Here she is showing off how nicely she stays next to me and ignores what's on the shelves next to us, along with interrupting scratching (I don't notice when I scratch, and will leave blood trails through stores, so this is pretty important!).
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