I have tried to use Easy boots on Stormy. The first size was too small, couldn’t get his foot in it. I went up a size but it was too big and he would walk out of them. I tried putting socks on him along with cushions in the bottom of the boot, still didn’t work. So I gave up on boots.

My horses sometimes slip when jumping out of the van depending on the surface but never so bad that they fall over. They usually only slip with one foot, nothing I am overly concerned about. I could always put a towel down for them to jump onto to prevent slipping. Once out of the van I have never had them slip in stores or on various surfaces. I went into a store one time and thought, oh boy this floor looks really slick, but the horses didn’t have any problems. The only time I have been truely concerned and worried was when I was driving Stormy downhill on concrete. He started slipping so bad that I did get out of the cart. That was pretty scary! Once I got out of the cart he was fine going downhill pulling the empty cart on the concrete.
Mine have never pooped in the stores. If they did I would probably just laugh!!

Then I would lecture them about how it isn’t polite to poop in stores and they would probably just look at me like they always do… with love in their eyes & think “here she goes again, Mom is crazy… bla, bla, bla” LOL LOL Then I would go to the checkout line and get a few plastic bags to clean it up. Not overly concerned about them pooping in stores because they LOVE pooping in my van. Stormy waits to poop & pee until he is in the van!!