Off leash dogs are a big concern for sure and crazy bicyclists!
I was driving Breezy and ponying Bentley out in the neighborhood a few months ago when I was approached by a pit bull and a German Shepherd. I had never seen these two dogs before and no one was around. They didn’t charge us, they did run up to us and kept barking at us. They were a little too close for comfort for me. I gave them one little puff of bear spray to get them thinking about something else and so they wouldn’t follow us. It worked like a charm!
There is 1 city park I will not go to. There are 4 pit bulls that live and roam in the park. The sheriffs department knows about them but they tell me they are unable to catch them. I think, get a dart gun! What a liability!
If I encounter a dog by itself that is off leash, I grab my bear spray and get out of the cart. For me, I’d rather be out of the cart in case something bad happens, I feel I have more control over the ENTIRE situation.… plus my aim isn’t the greatest.

I would not hesitate to spray a dog with bear spray even if the owner is there but has no control over the dog. If I approach someone whose dog is off leash, I ask them to get a hold of their dog while I pass, whether the just hold them or leash them. Good dog owners are usually understanding about this. And I am always blaming the horse, most people do not know horse language so I’ll say “my horse is scared of dogs” or “my horse bites dogs”. But again, if they have no control over their dog, then game on.

My horse is my top priority, not someone else’s dog! A tiny dog bite could turn into a huge vet bill!