After Foaling Question

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past member - Someone just shoot me!
Jan 1, 2008
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Bonny foaled 3 weeks ago yesterday.She has some small tears and some bruising in her vulva. So far it hasall healed up well. But Because I had been keeping an eye on that area for infection I had noticed that when you part her vulva you can see what I think is cervix now. Before she foaled you were not able to see it. I am not sure of this is because she was a maiden or not. I am not sure if it is just because she has recently foaled or if maybe her cervix is prolapsed? She isnt in any painand she is not having any discharge but there is still a small bruise in there.

I would appreciate yalls opinion on this. Just wondering if a vet call is in order or if this is normal.

Picture :
We have had maiden mares that pushed so hard they inverted the cervix.

It is not a big deal unless not attended to. A couple of stitches by your vet and it will settle back into place.

I would take her in as soon as I could if I were you.
Thank you,

so you think that is her cervix?
Hi Bonny, both of my mares have cervix's that are easily visable if you part the vulva and look in side. I dont think it is unusual. I'm sure they are all built different mind you. Both of my mares have had several pregnancies and they have had visable cervixes since I bought them as experienced broodmares. It has not caused them any issues in getting pregnant each year.
Hmmmm. A cervix should definitely not be that close to the entrance of the vagina. Think of how long the stallion's penis is. If he puts it in there, it's going to be pushing up against it pretty hard...OUCH! I'd get a vet to look at it, for sure. It looks wierd to me, too. It doesn't really look like a cervix (strange colour and it should look like a little doughnut). Maybe some more experienced people can help but if it was me, I'd get a vet to look at her.
It just looks like a fold of skin to me.

Like Matt said this is not the cervix which would have a clearly visible circle with a spot in the center, or "doughnut" as Matt called it.
Matt and JoAnne,

I decided to go take a better look. I am really starting to think it IS in fact her cervix. I dont know why it is now positioned so close to the vulva. I know it wasnt like this before. Honestly she doesnt seemed bother by this at all she is eating, drinking and going to the bathroom fine.

Please look at this new pic and tell me what you think.I am not trying to be disagreeable just trying to figure this out.

This is what it looks like when she is lifting her tummy:

And this is when she is resting
Yep, very well could be. And, again, I wouldn't leave it there lol. I'd get a vet over and put it back, waaayyyy back, where it's supposed to be. Also, it looks like there may have been some damage done (to the actual cervix as well as to the ligaments holding the uterus in place, obviously). NOT a vet...just my semi-educated opinion.
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I really don't want to alarm you Holly, but something is definitely WRONG there!!!!! I'd have your vet out ASAP! It could be something as simple as tissue still being swollen from foaling or she could have an infection going on in there causing tissue swelling...I don't think it is her cervix though. Please call your vet and keep us posted!!!
Honestly, I dont think my vet can handle this situation, I am sending pics to an equine reproductive specialist first thing in the am. If this is her cervix, well even if it isnt I would really like a pro to see it, I dont think this is normal and she def wasnt like this before she foaled. So I surely will keep yall posted and thanks again for the help.

Funny thing she seems perfectly normal.
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Okay I could be wrong but I think that is her clitoris
Thats what I was told years ago
Noteworthy features are the urethral opening (from where the horse’s urine is emitted) and the clitoris within the ventral (bottom) lips of the vulva. The clitoris is very prominent in mares in heat, when it is exposed by “winking”- movements of the labia.

And you would not believe what I had to wade through to get that online LMAO

Okay finally found a picture. Its small but see how it looks like yours?? Only they are pulling the vagina up to get the picture

mare sex organs
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Hmm you would sure think she would be in distress if her cervix was coming out. That other pic i posted shows it lower but Im guessing its like humans and they can be a little off??

I hate it for you but I am really interested to hear what the vet says. I should see if mine is online and email him that picture

oh also i just saw the second pictures you posted and that looks further back. The other one looked close up
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thanks matt. I knew it was there somewhere LOL.

Anyway Bonnie sending good thoughts for your mare!
Kay Please feel free to send the pics to your vet.

The one pic where its further back she was lifting her tummy for Tigger to nurse.

The pics where its closer is when she is just standing and relaxing her muscles. ( dont ask me why she is relaxed when I have my hands and a camera back there!)
Ok Update on Bonny

She went to the vet, everything is ok.

The vet examined her and she has a very swollen cervix with edema from the trauma during foaling. Everything else is fine.

Thankful she is ok!
Glad to hear that she is ok. Thanks for posting that, very interesting

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