I'm getting ready to sell a AQHA hunter prospect on the competitive Los Angeles market and I've decided to use his trainer as an agent. She takes 10% of the sales price of the horse. What should she be expected to do to sell the horse and what am I expected to do? She has me making videos/making adds and so far she hasn't done anything with them (we've been working on 'advertising' him for about 2 weeks now). Which one of us is expected to pay for advertising and which one of us is expected to decide how and where to advertise? So far, the only thing I'm sure of is that she'll ride the horse if anyone comes to look at him and she'll talk to perspective buyers on the phone. I'm selling the horse for over $16,000.00 -- I feel like there should be a great deal of things that my agent does to move him. Does anyone have experience with this? What is realistic to expect from her?