Agent for seller

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Oct 28, 2005
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I'm getting ready to sell a AQHA hunter prospect on the competitive Los Angeles market and I've decided to use his trainer as an agent. She takes 10% of the sales price of the horse. What should she be expected to do to sell the horse and what am I expected to do? She has me making videos/making adds and so far she hasn't done anything with them (we've been working on 'advertising' him for about 2 weeks now). Which one of us is expected to pay for advertising and which one of us is expected to decide how and where to advertise? So far, the only thing I'm sure of is that she'll ride the horse if anyone comes to look at him and she'll talk to perspective buyers on the phone. I'm selling the horse for over $16,000.00 -- I feel like there should be a great deal of things that my agent does to move him. Does anyone have experience with this? What is realistic to expect from her?

If she is selling the horse and taking that amount of money I would be expecting her to do it all. If you wanted her to Show the horse as well, I would expect that to be by arrangement. Why are you making the Videos?? Think about it- how is she earning her money??
I don't know much about how it works with a selling agent, but I agree with Rabbit... You are doing an awful lot of work, what is she doing to earn her agent fee?
In New York, the fee is usually 20% (or more) and they basically use their contacts to sell your horse -- usually word of mouth. never heard that the agent would pay for any advertising. they show your horse and contact other trainers to see if they have clients who would be a good match for the horse.

it's also customary here that the person who finds the horse gets a "finders fee" again, a %age of the sales price.

Good deal for the trainers, not so good a deal for the owner!
I just talked to my trainer again. I told her we need to work out who is doing what in regards to my horse. Her response was that she just showed him to another trainer here in town.... but didn't give me an answer in regards to what we are doing. I set up a time to meet and talk with her. I've had this trainer for over 6 years so I'm not going to go out and find another, but I do need to know what I realistically should ask from her.
I guess like most horse-industry workings, you just need to figure out what is fair.

Sometimes an "agent" will get the 10% if THEY are instrumental in finding a successful sale for you. It motivates them to use their contacts to sell a horse that they don't own but are familiar with. If YOU find a buyer first, they are not out anything but don't make the commission.

I wouldn't think it fair to make THEM advertise and make videos and such unless they wanted those tools to help themselves get a chunk of the money for selling the horse and were motivated to do so.

I have acted as an "agent" to help many friends sell horses... but being a friend I have never asked for anything in return
I figure they'd do the same for me.

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So, what is realistic to expect of my trainer when I sit down to talk to her? I just want to be fair. Since we have a lot of contacts in common, how would we figure out who's lead it was etc? So, if someone purchases him from an add that I place and I show him to them, my trainer wouldn't get a cut of the money--right?

I just need to know what I should realistically ask from her.
Well, I am helping a friend sell her horse, but we have a lot different deal going so I won't bore you with how we're doing things, but I might suggest that you ask her what she feels she is supposed to do. In my personal opinion, I would expect an agent to handle all of the physical work involved, making a video, pictures, typing ads etc, as well as having the horse groomed and ready to show. Now again, I am talking about a true agent who is getting a cut of the sales. I'm not talking a friend who offers to post an ad on their site for free. I would NOT expect the agent to incur any costs involved in the making of video etc, unless that was agreed upon in advance. Again, these are just my personal opinions and I am no means very experienced in this area. Good luck and hope it all goes well.
I think js has got it about right- I think you need to ask your trainer what she feels is fair, then work out if you do, too!!
i have never heard of an agent doing the videos and paying for ads. 10 percent is not that much!! my understanding is the 10 percent is for showing the horse to prospective clients and using their contacts to get the horse sold. in some areas it is a big plus to have a trainer that believes in your horse enough to help sell it. that alone is a big selling tool depending on how well known the trainer is.

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