American Idol

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I'm happy with the final 3. I think Philip has a completely unique voice and is amazing, but not sure he will be the overall winner. He will get a recording contract for sure. That song he did, Volcano?, was incredible!!

Jessica is one of the best young singers I've ever heard. She could sing the phone book. But, at 16, does she have the maturity to handle a professional career now? I know she will in the future. I could see her becoming another Whitney Houston.....

I think Joshua will win overall. Inicredible voice, incredible performer. And a stage presence nobody else has. I guess we will all see soon!
I think I'm going to have to start watching it again!

Liz N.
Sorry but I just dont care for Phillip at ALL- he is always off key, has to slide into his notes and last night could BARELY carry the tune of that last song and still had to 'slide' into the last note because he didnt hit it. All his songs sound the same. I hoped he would go home weeks ago, but sigh, is still there. I am hoping it gets down to Joshua and Jessica..........
So who else is shocked with last nights results!? I mean I'm happy for Phil and I really love him, but I was shocked at who went home.
I had to work so didn't get to watch it yet, but I heard who got kicked off. Josh is a great singer but I think he is limited on "what" he can sing. I love to listen to him but could never listen to a whole album of it. I think Phillip is going to win...not sure I agree with that. Of course Jessica is way better singer, but I also feel the same way about her as Josh, I could never listen to a whole album of her singing. They were all good this year, but I never really had a favorite as I did other years. I guess Holly was one of my favorites, I liked her determination.
I was shocked to see Josh leave last night, too.

I thought where the bottom 3 ended up it would be Josh and Jessica battling it out.

The judges seemed to be molding the publics opinion, to one of them, for weeks.

Phillip is such an individual performer ::: he seems to feel his music on a cellular level, all the way to his toes.

We happened to watch a PBS show a couple weeks ago of The Dave Matthews Band at Red Rock and there are lots of

similarities in their styles and enthusastic approach to entertaining.

I was pulling for sweet Holly, was sad to see her go but now I'll pull for Phillip.

As Sonya said I could not listen to a whole album of Josh nor Jessica although I think they've futures ahead of them.
I'm glad Phillip is in the finals. I enjoyed Jessica's rendition of I'll Be There. Her high range is spot on but her lower range needs work. I enjoyed watching Josh, but could not listen to him consistently. Phillip is one that I could tune in to now and again and so for that reason I would give him my vote. That and he is truly into his music. Not only is he a singer but he puts his all into it...heart and soul. I found this year altho the competition was good, I really didn't have a red hot favorite. I was rooting for Holly from a while ago, but she didn't pick up enough confidence and speed to excelerate herself to the finale.
I agree with almost all of theses past few comments on lasrt nights' results. I was surprised too! I also do not have a "favorite" really, but I do feel that Joshua and Jessica were far better singers than Phillip. I still can't believe Joshua, of all was sent home! I was sure it would come down to him and one of the others in the finale, but I am not sad, I am happy for ll of them.

I really liked the Jackson 5 song Jessica sang too, and also agree with her stellar upper SWEET, but she cannot do the lower scale well at all. When she hits the lows, it no longer sounds like singing.

I absolutely LOVED the Bob Seger song that Philip sang! To me, that was one of his top performances, and it seemed like it could be the closing number for a Phillip concert!! I LOVED it!

I have no favorite this year either...of course I had some that I feel/felt can sing better than others, but the way America votes is clearly not on voice alone. They are ALL super singers in their own way!!
I agree its not just 'voice' people vote for, I guess its the whole package. And even though the judges have no say in who wins, their comments definately steer the votes. I have never's on when I am at work so I can only watch it after the fact.
That is not always the case though. Look what happened to Jessica earlier. The judges couldn;t say enough good about her, and then that same week, she got sent home!! Thank God they used their wild card on her!! But I think what happens is, people assume that the "best" ones are safe, so vote for the others to help ensure they won;t be sent home, and sometimes it backfires. Unfortunately, we cannot vote from Canada. I sure wish we could though!!
I too was shocked at the results. I expected Joshua to be one of the finalist. I def preffered him over Jessica, so now, FOR SURE, I'm rooting for Phillip. I've never voted, but next week may be my first!
I'm still rooting for Phillip!

I love that you can hear the smile in his voice, when he sings. I love how he is so gracious to the musicians and back up singers.

He is his own man and while I'd love to see him win .. he'd probably be better off, artistically, not to win and not be under the thumb

of an Idol contract, where someone would be trying to mold him.

I've enjoyed the Idol experience this year. It was a stellar group of young people!!

I loved their backgrounds and graphics - it was enjoyable this year, overall.

How was it for you?
I am not rooting for either of them, or maybe I should say I am rooting for both. I will be happy with the outcome either way.

Solely on vocal ability, I would think Jessica should win, but I have to say she seemed to have a bit of a bad choices, and a few bad notes. I felt bad for her.

As for Phillip, I think he WILL be the winner...I am not hoping it for or against, just thinking that is the way it will end up as it seems he has a larger following/fan base, or so it sounded in the audience anyway. I was NOT impressed with the choices for his first 2 songs, but he absolutely KICKED BUTT with that last one. I absolutely LOVED that last song he did, and could just listen to it over and over. Everything Randy said, was right on with my feelings/thoughts on his last performance.
And I soooo agree with you Nancy, about Phillip always giving thanks to his back-up people. I have noticed that and mentioned the same thing to friends in the past. He certainly shows his appreciation without hesitation.

I am almost scared to watch tomorrow night, but either way, whoever wins, and whoever the runner-up will be, they are BOTH winners in my books.
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Phil-lip! Phil-lip! Phil-lip!!!

Or so I'm hoping. But either is fine as they are both talented.

On a side note, I felt bad for Scotty McCreery last night. Having to sing after those two...didn't make him seem so "Idol" like, imo. There is just no comparison between the years.
I am camping and can get 3g here for my internet but too many trees for my satellite tv to work so I didn't see it...let me know what happens tonight and what you think.
So who else is happy with who won!? Not gunna put names for those who might not have watched it yet...but I'm so happy!
Unfortunately I am not of the same opinion on the winner and am disappointed. Not an artist I would buy a record of. Next year I am sticking to watching The Voice only. JMHO
I did not favor either over the other at this point. I thought singing the phone book was cute. Thanks goodness for Joshua in the Bee Gees song because the guys were not doing it justice as a whole, at least for me. Always fun to watch though.

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