American Idol..

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2005
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Louisville, KY
I kind of expected Bucky to get kicked off last night even though I kind of liked him. But hey, my favorites are still in there! That would be Ace and Kellie. I also am starting to really like Elliot too though. But then again..I have a problem with not totally picking my favorites by their vocal talents
: Ace just has those big puppy eyes and I just can't stand it! lol. And Kellie's personality and accent are both just so cute! And Elliot is just a really nice guy. Plus they can sing pretty darn good IMO!

SO who are you rooting for?
I really like Ace. My kids and my husband just roll their eyes at me because I keep saying he is "Hot". :bgrin And I for one, really liked the Queen song he sang. I thought he sounded good but I have always liked that song. I actually do hope Chris wins though. I think he is consistent and good. Kellie is starting to be a little too much for me and Elliott I frankly can't stand; either to look at or listen to. And I wouldn't be disappointed to see Paris go either. I like Taylor but don't think he has it to go all the way.
When they throw the stories about their lives and bring their families into it I just start wishing they all could win.

I really think each week there is a different favorite song for me. They each can sing. Taylor always entertains me. I didn't care for Elliott's song at first, but when he sang it Wed. night I liked it better. I do like Kelly. She did look pretty scary at the beginning of the song. LOL

About Chris---- I do like him. There are songs that I have really thought would make him win however, I have a problem with his voice...... at the end of most of his notes he makes a goat sound. My husband thinks I'm hilarious and has been telling his friends. One of his friends said oh great now I'm going to think of that each time he sings. It drives me nuts. I can't be the only one who notices it.

With the way the voting has been going it could get down to anyone, but I have a feeling Chris will be in the finale.
I think they had the bottom 3 right this week:

Bucky stayed much longer than his time.

Ace is nothing but a sissy little girly-boy. He thinks he's pretty...I think he should join N-Stync or some other "boy band".

(In my best "E.T." voice:) Eeeeelllllllliooot, phone home. Tell Mommy to prep your room.

I can't put my finger on it, but everytime I see him I think of that little kid with the banjo in the movie "Deliverance".

I think Chris or Catherine are the only 2 that could go main stream. However, I also think she's too forgetable.

Kelly is cute as can be, but that can only get you so far. I agree that she's wearing it out quickly.

I think Paris and Taylor can both sing well enough, I just think they have limited marketability.
I think it will be one of the guys. I wish it could be Taylor but dont think it will be. It will probably be Chris not because I like him but do think he is the most contemporary of those remaining. I like Kelly alot but she should have gone on Nashville Star I think she would have won. Paris can sing but I think she is too young to be the idol just has too many other opportunities ahead of her at her age. Eliot NO NO NO. Ace Hmmm. I sort of agree with the boy band comment. Catherine has a wonderful voice but I think she will get a contract anyway. My favorites Kelly and Taylor.
Its funny..after wishing Buky would GO AWAY (LOL) for sooo long, I was actually wishing it would have been Ace this week!

My favorites are Chris and Katherine. After them Elliot (though I think he can do much better than he does... I just can't figure out why he ISN'T?
: ) and Paris though her outfit this week was scary :new_shocked:

I don't like Taylor at all! I don't like Kellie at all! And I'm not too fond of Ace either. I don't care which of them goes first but those are who I want gone. I don't think I'll get my wish though- probably Ace will go, Paris and Elliot before I finally get rid of Taylor and Kellie LOL
Mike! Nooooooo!!!!

Ace is not a sissy little girly-boy, he is cuuuuuuute!!!!! And did you see those arms on Wednesday, boy howdy has that boy been hiding some fine arms!!!
: Cam, you are right on the money with Ace!

I think he has a really good voice, he just has not really hit on a genre/niche that he fits into perfectly. I know he won't win, and actually, I agree with you Mike, I like Katherine and Chris as the best bets for winning!

Kellie, Paris and Taylor are all wearing a little thin - I don't even enjoy watching them anymore. And Elliott seems to be letting a little more of his personality come across, but I think it is too late.

I think they had the bottom 3 right this week:

Bucky stayed much longer than his time.

Ace is nothing but a sissy little girly-boy. He thinks he's pretty...I think he should join N-Stync or some other "boy band".
This has been a very interesting season to watch, very unpredicatable! More fun that way!

I was hoping Ace would go before Bucky. Ace kind of creeps me out with his intense stare. I don't like his voice, too Michael Jacksonish...don't like how he "achs" at the end of most of his notes.
: I do like how they're incorporating the family side to the Idols and lets you see what else is behind the personality.

Taylor I enjoy. He entertains me, I LIKE his voice and if he would tone down the antics, I think he'd go a little further. Only thing he's beginning to remind me alot of Elvis and George Clooney all rolled up in one.

I agree that Katharine is forgettable. I think she is too pitchy in most of her songs, as is Paris. Kellie is just getting a little obnoxious. I think Carrie Underwood has better vocals than she does.

I like Chris and Elliott. But Chris always has a mean serious look on his face when he's performing. Lighten up a little bit, dog! Elliott has been getting a makeover thru the weeks. If you notice his styles have changed. I think with a little more exposure, he will do well. Love that soulful sparkle to his eyes.

All in all tho, honestly, none of them have "blown me out of the water". I'm still up in the air as far as who my Idol would be. So I guess I would have to say Chris, Elliott and Taylor. Chris because I like his style and music, Elliott because I do like his voice, and he's cute
: , and Taylor because I like his voice, his music style and he's a good entertainer. Those 3 to me have not wavered in pitch and vocals and are pretty consistant every week.
I liked Bucky because he was kind of goofy - just up there having fun! I don't like Ace - he's too poised, too polished...

I am completely blown away by Chris - I don't really like his song choices, but I think he is an incredible singer, and a very talented performer. He actually reminds me of an early Michael Stypes from REM (when they first started out). Awesome, awesome performer and I think he's going to make it HUGE!!! :aktion033:

Liz R.
Ok first laughing, Hosscrazy you're right on Chris looking and sounding like Michael Stype in his early years, and you got the RIGHT spelling on the name too :aktion033: :lol: He's actually a relative of mine, distant but that look is pretty much a family look, I've recently been in touch with his dad (not about him, just looking for family) He's my third cousin and his uncle was a pretty close friend of hubby and I. Haven't met Michael though. Stype is my maiden name and we're all related.

Ace, ugh, girlie boy, reminds me to much of George Michaels (Wham), Kelli makes my skin crawl, reminds me of a roomate I had YEARS ago that was just as dumb as she is! Kathryn is just forgetable. Paris is something else but so young.

My personal favorite is Taylor for his quirkiness, I also really like Elliot, but bet Chris will win, he is just awesome.


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