I was hoping Ace would go before Bucky. Ace kind of creeps me out with his intense stare. I don't like his voice, too Michael Jacksonish...don't like how he "achs" at the end of most of his notes.
: I do like how they're incorporating the family side to the Idols and lets you see what else is behind the personality.
Taylor I enjoy. He entertains me, I LIKE his voice and if he would tone down the antics, I think he'd go a little further. Only thing he's beginning to remind me alot of Elvis and George Clooney all rolled up in one.
I agree that Katharine is forgettable. I think she is too pitchy in most of her songs, as is Paris. Kellie is just getting a little obnoxious. I think Carrie Underwood has better vocals than she does.
I like Chris and Elliott. But Chris always has a mean serious look on his face when he's performing. Lighten up a little bit, dog! Elliott has been getting a makeover thru the weeks. If you notice his styles have changed. I think with a little more exposure, he will do well. Love that soulful sparkle to his eyes.
All in all tho, honestly, none of them have "blown me out of the water". I'm still up in the air as far as who my Idol would be. So I guess I would have to say Chris, Elliott and Taylor. Chris because I like his style and music, Elliott because I do like his voice, and he's cute
: , and Taylor because I like his voice, his music style and he's a good entertainer. Those 3 to me have not wavered in pitch and vocals and are pretty consistant every week.