Well-Known Member
I STRONGLY disagree. As I stated in a response elsewhere, I feel that if we are to move forward with full membership voting, it should be just that. Not everyone has computers, nor internet access. ALL members do have a postal address. If we are going to change a rule to allow ALL members the right to a vote, then it should be fair to ALL members, not just the vast majority.In terms of voting…… I think Internet voting is the best way to implement a new voting process. Postal mail voting is expensive and is an on-going expense every year. There have been some good ideas suggested which could definitely reduce the mailing expense. But there are other costs involved. Most significant is the time required to manually collect, count, manage & secure the ballots. (Most of us work – or have worked - and as my Mom always said: Time is Money.) We have to consider the impact of managing a manual voting system. Also…. No matter how hard folks try…. Human error will occur.
I do strongly agree that doing the online way would be second best, and better than just those able to attend the meetings, however, I am just speaking in terms of fairness to all , since it is that exact aspect that is prompting us to try to make changes.