AMHA and Voting

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In terms of voting…… I think Internet voting is the best way to implement a new voting process. Postal mail voting is expensive and is an on-going expense every year. There have been some good ideas suggested which could definitely reduce the mailing expense. But there are other costs involved. Most significant is the time required to manually collect, count, manage & secure the ballots. (Most of us work – or have worked - and as my Mom always said: Time is Money.) We have to consider the impact of managing a manual voting system. Also…. No matter how hard folks try…. Human error will occur.
I STRONGLY disagree. As I stated in a response elsewhere, I feel that if we are to move forward with full membership voting, it should be just that. Not everyone has computers, nor internet access. ALL members do have a postal address. If we are going to change a rule to allow ALL members the right to a vote, then it should be fair to ALL members, not just the vast majority.

I do strongly agree that doing the online way would be second best, and better than just those able to attend the meetings, however, I am just speaking in terms of fairness to all , since it is that exact aspect that is prompting us to try to make changes.
What about having an option to vote electronically (either via the website itself in a survey or something, or via email), as well as a paper ballot? This way, it not only reduces paper cost, as most of us with internet acces would choose to do it that (faster), but it also allows for those who do not have internet access. The members who do not reply by such and such date would get a paper ballot, instead of the ability to cast votes via another media. The deadline can be made public via the MHW and the website, as well as mailed with whatever paperwork happens to go out during that time period.

I am one who does get to vote via paper ballot for my regional directors. I appreciate it, but I lose paper like it's going out of style, and I would really prefer being able to vote online. I am extraordinarily lucky I have yet to lose one of my horses papers. I'm just waiting for it to happen.

I'm not going to comment on the measuring situation. The most I'll say is that is is ridiculous, and is a bad situation our registry has put itself in. I just hope we can rectify the situation quickly, with the most satisfaction possible for as many as possible (you can't please everyone, but you sure can try).
I am not sure if internet voting would be valid. Voting by proxy is not. Voting by mail is another thing- and CLEARLY outlined in Roberts Rules of Order as to the CORRECT way to do it, so there are no questions or problems!

I will admit that our state club here allows voting by mail- some of the ballots were done incorrectly- one year they all were. We went over the rules again and had to vote ALL OVER AGAIN, but the rules were followed so there were no issues.

And I agree, I still know a LOT of folks who do not have internet, or are on systems where they cannot open certain things, etc....

It would not take much to send out a piece of paper or two for voting by mail and I would happily pay the return stamp to be able to do so. Then the membership could have a chance to be heard in it's entirety!
The only problem I see with a paper ballot is that there is no time of discussion prior to the vote. If AMHA added a forum to the website, proposals could be discussed for a certain period and at the proper time voted on. A poll could be added when it was time to vote. In this way no one could accuse anyone of being ill-informed before voting. I realize this may be second best and would leave out those without internet access, but those who really wanted an input would find a way to access the site. These votes could go to the perspective directors and submitted according to the rules at the annual convention. I've personally never been able to attend the convention because of lack of farm help, expense and early foaling season in south Alabama but I certainly can find time to access a website.
I like your idea bluerogue, but unfortunately by incorporating both methods I think that also doubles all resources necessary.

There is no arguing that mail voting is at this time the only way to reach every member, but even in the U.S. if you want to vote you must register and go to an approved voting site. I also wonder how this would work when collecting votes from international members?

With Roberts Rules, I am still not clear on whether that is the default system or just a guideline. As I said before, it was brought up at the Convention, but ultimately it was decided that the process outlined in the by-laws had precedence.

The only problem I see with a paper ballot is that there is no time of discussion prior to the vote. If AMHA added a forum to the website, proposals could be discussed for a certain period and at the proper time voted on. A poll could be added when it was time to vote. In this way no one could accuse anyone of being ill-informed before voting.
I think this is one of the greatest strengths of internet voting--that we can put members in the right place to get information on the issues. Something else to consider is that ANY proposal put forth now will not reach the convention until 2010, and even if passed would not go into effect then until at least 2011. I already feel this technology is very accessible, but will be even moreso given a few more years.

The deeper I get into this, the gladder I am that I have so much time.
I think this is one of the greatest strengths of internet voting--that we can put members in the right place to get information on the issues. Something else to consider is that ANY proposal put forth now will not reach the convention until 2010, and even if passed would not go into effect then until at least 2011. I already feel this technology is very accessible, but will be even moreso given a few more years.

Agree with you Tiff - mail voting is or has been explored by AMHA and viewed as cost prohibitive internet voting is the way to go - I have stocks I vote on via the Internet so it is feasible and most companies like this as it saves them the money of printing/mailing.

I don't think internet voting is exclusionary. Most people can get internet access even if you don't own a PC - Kinko's and other places do 'rent' access. Public libraries have the internet available to patrons.

AMHA could make availabe (add to the trouble of forming this rule change) a paper ballot for those unable to vote - something that would need to be requested (maybe for a small fee).

The bottomline is no club, company or business can please everyone, but Internet voting would allow for the majority of AMHA (or AMHR) members the ability to vote with the least expense. With the number of security programs availalbe it could be the most secure too. Besides the truly unscruplous - we'll they'll always be looking for the angle to cheat.
The problem is, that none of the 3 measuring methods will eliminate cheating, so why change?
You took the words out of my mouth Jody.

It isn't going to cost any more to mail out a ballot than it has for each of the (so far) THREE mailings that I have received since sending in my properly done paperwork, and I still don't have my horse's papers.
The cost isn't in the mailing of the votes but the counting of the votes, this is not something the AMHA office staff or board members or AMHA members can do. A on-line voting would be better but again we are talking about an expense that has to be paid. I know many would proclaim in order to pay for it they would pay higher fees to cover the cost but what gives those people more precinct over those that would not be willing to do so.

That EVERY organization like the AMHA has an obligations to its members, who have PAID FOR the rights that membership confers, Margo
This is something that pops up at our little local club as well, what does your membership money give you the right too. Sorry they do not need to run it by me every time they blow their nose. I have always supported that only attending members get to vote as, just like the local club, sometimes a different perspective saves you from voting on something that would have been disastrous. My only issue with both measures (measuring and closing the registry) is I don't feel either were well thought out, at least to the extent of having a clear game plan.

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