Well-Known Member
Suprisingly, It is bits and pieces from Quarter Horses, Paints, Pintos and Buckskin. It kinda gives a picture, but could be more specific with a little work. Thought I would get more response from it, but nothing from Al or Gary, I was surprised. I am 100% into the Western style driving coming from the QH show world. So for me to drive my minis this way is natural for me. I stepped into the AMHR and AMHA show ring since day one wearing western show outfits and my hat, a lot of people have laughed or chuckled behind my back, but I do not care. That is what I am and I like it a lot. Both of my horses move more naturally to perform in this class and that is what I do. My over gelding was considered a REJECT in the mini world of driving. I loved the way he moved (level with his poll and huge flat kneed strides) and practiced/drove him like a QH. Then took him to Pinto World last year and won both the Amateur and Open Driving classes. Saturday, I just went to an A show and drove my under gelding like a QH and won all 4 of my driving classes. So the A judges are accepting this style over the 'Country Pleasure' tucked, high headed look. People on the rail were standing up and watching me, complementing me how nice my horse looked. I was very happy to see the A people noticed. I think it is time for this type of class to be introduced into AMHA, there are more minis out there that can naturally enter into this class and have a chance to win in Driving, instead of an un-natural way they cannot poise because of their build. Please understand, I am not against any way of driving, but horses are bred/ built for certain styles of driving and we do not have the classes yet to fulfill those styles, but I feel they are making a great strides to get there.

Way to go on your wins!!