Well-Known Member
PLEASE NOTE: This is a COPY of a letter that has been emailed to all candidates that we know are running. If we have missed anyone, our apologies, and we ask that you please post your response here too! We hope to have not overlooked anyone, as this is very important to all members in the voting areas, and may help them to make an informed decision.
Edited to add: It was asked if C.A.R.E. is going to recommend/endorse any particular candidate(s). In answer to this, no, C.A.R.E. will not publically endorse any particular candidate(s). The purpose of our letter to the candidates is to find out about their AMHA experience in holding offices, serving on committees, their ideas to improve the AMHA to better serve the membership, their knowledge of AMHA rules and bylaws, and most important of all, their intent to follow and enforce all AMHA rules. We want to know their ideas on how to best solve the problems of measuring the horses, ideas to keep the membership informed of actions taken by the Board in a timely manner, and ideas on allowing the membership to take a part in the management of AMHA through a membership vote by mail or internet ballot.
Our purpose in asking the candidates to answer our questionaire and allow us to post their answers on the L'il Beginnings Forum is to inform as many members as possible to understand each candidates position on the issues that we have asked about. What we may personally be "for", you may be "against", so this is just to give the candidates a platform in which to reach many people that may be interested in how those candidates stand in these areas, and what is important to you, the voters. Each member of AMHA should make their own decision on which candidates to support for directors. One thing our group would suggest is to read the minutes of AMHA meetings held in the past three years and see how the directors that are asking to be re-elected have performed. Take care to note how the directors have voted on each issue that deals with violating the rules and bylaws of AMHA.
Another issue that has been mentioned is that some members would like to ask that any director that is planning to run for office next year to please post on this thread. Tell us your experience and ideas to improve AMHA. Tell us what office you will run for and your plans for AMHA. We know that AMHA will be electing a new president in February, and that one officer will not be eligible to serve on the executive committee since he has already served five consecutive years.
Our only goal is to furnish the membership with as much information as possible on all candidates for directors and officers in order to vote in an informed manner. Of course, as always our group supports those directors and officers that pledge to enforce all rules and bylaws and follow through with this pledge after they are elected.
Dear Candidate,
We are a group of concerned members of AMHA and have formed a group called Concerned Advocates for Rule Enforcement (C.A.R.E.). It is our belief that the bylaws and rules of AMHA should be followed and enforced by the Board of Directors in the exact manner as printed in the official AMHA Rule book. These rules have been approved by the membership of AMHA as the guidelines for which the Association is to be managed.
It has come to our attention recently that the Board of Directors has violated several rules and unnecessarily overturned the vote of the membership without proper study and consideration on several occasions. If the rules of the Association are not to be enforced for all members, it is just a matter of time until very serious problems will occur that could be very expensive to AMHA. The loss of members and registered horses will continue if the Officers and Directors do not strive to enforce all rules.
As you have accepted to be a candidate for a position on the AMHA Board of Directors, we would like to ask you some questions to help us understand your ideas, knowledge and experience involved with your decision to be a nominee. We would appreciate your answer to our questions and your permission to post your answers on the largest Miniature Horse Forum in the country, Lil This post will allow the members to know of your personal knowledge and ideas and help them become more informed before they vote for directors in their region. If you are already a member of the Forums at and would prefer to post your answers there personally, please feel free to do so, but we strongly encourage you to answer these questions and allow them to be dispalyed publicly to better educate the voters in your area so they can make a well informed decision when it comes time to place their vote. The direct link to the "official" post is
Thank you in advance for your time and dedication to answer our questions.
1. What region will you be representing?
2. How many years have you been a member of AMHA?
3. Have you held an office in AMHA or served on the Board of Directors in the past? If so, please list the years you served.
4. How many AMHA Board of Directors meetings and Annual Meetings have you attended?
5. How many AMHA Committees have you served on? Please list the name(s) of the committees and the years served.
6. What is your knowledge of the bylaws and rules of AMHA?
7. Do you believe it is important for all candidates to thoroughly understand all AMHA rules before becoming a director?
8. If a member puts their trust in you by voting for you, can the member trust you to vote to enforce all AMHA bylaws and rules?
9. How many AMHA registered horses do you own?
10. Do you show your horses, and if so, how many shows do you attend each year.
11. Please tell us what you know about the failure of the last two computer software programs purchased by the Board of Directors.
12. How important do you think it is for AMHA to have an up to date computer software program and how quickly do you think one should be purchased?
13. What will you do as a director, to encourage the purchase of a computer program, and what are your ideas concerning hiring educated people in the field of software to study the Association's needs? Who do you believe should be in charge of purchasing the program?
14. Do you know how much money has been lost in the last two computer software programs that the Board of Directors has purchased? Do you agree that the membership funds cannot afford another failure?
15. Other than the reason of the economy, why do you think the AMHA membership has decreased in such a large number in the past few years, and what do you plan to do to rebuild the membership?
16. Why do you think the revenue from AMHA registration of horses declined almost $100,000 last year?
17. Do you support the closing of the registry when hardshipping brings in so much needed funds for the AMHA?
18. If elected, how would you as director feel about having a division for horses over 34 inches tall?
19. Where do you stand on the subject of full membership voting rights?
20. Will your vote at AMHA meetings reflect that of the majority of members in your area, or your own personal opinion?
21. Do you have the strength to oppose long standing BOD members if they are asking you to vote with them when you know what they are asking is against the AMHA rules or against the majority of your area members wishes?
22. Will you do your best to see to it that measuring at AMHA shows is done correctly in your area?
Please give us any ideas you have that you will work for to improve AMHA's financial situation, increase registration, show entries and serve the membership.
The most important question. Do you have the time in your daily life to give to AMHA and the membership to serve as a Director? Will you take the time to respond to members when they contact you by telephone or email to answer their questions and concerns?
Again, thank you for your time.
The C.A.R.E Group
Edited to add: It was asked if C.A.R.E. is going to recommend/endorse any particular candidate(s). In answer to this, no, C.A.R.E. will not publically endorse any particular candidate(s). The purpose of our letter to the candidates is to find out about their AMHA experience in holding offices, serving on committees, their ideas to improve the AMHA to better serve the membership, their knowledge of AMHA rules and bylaws, and most important of all, their intent to follow and enforce all AMHA rules. We want to know their ideas on how to best solve the problems of measuring the horses, ideas to keep the membership informed of actions taken by the Board in a timely manner, and ideas on allowing the membership to take a part in the management of AMHA through a membership vote by mail or internet ballot.
Our purpose in asking the candidates to answer our questionaire and allow us to post their answers on the L'il Beginnings Forum is to inform as many members as possible to understand each candidates position on the issues that we have asked about. What we may personally be "for", you may be "against", so this is just to give the candidates a platform in which to reach many people that may be interested in how those candidates stand in these areas, and what is important to you, the voters. Each member of AMHA should make their own decision on which candidates to support for directors. One thing our group would suggest is to read the minutes of AMHA meetings held in the past three years and see how the directors that are asking to be re-elected have performed. Take care to note how the directors have voted on each issue that deals with violating the rules and bylaws of AMHA.
Another issue that has been mentioned is that some members would like to ask that any director that is planning to run for office next year to please post on this thread. Tell us your experience and ideas to improve AMHA. Tell us what office you will run for and your plans for AMHA. We know that AMHA will be electing a new president in February, and that one officer will not be eligible to serve on the executive committee since he has already served five consecutive years.
Our only goal is to furnish the membership with as much information as possible on all candidates for directors and officers in order to vote in an informed manner. Of course, as always our group supports those directors and officers that pledge to enforce all rules and bylaws and follow through with this pledge after they are elected.
Dear Candidate,
We are a group of concerned members of AMHA and have formed a group called Concerned Advocates for Rule Enforcement (C.A.R.E.). It is our belief that the bylaws and rules of AMHA should be followed and enforced by the Board of Directors in the exact manner as printed in the official AMHA Rule book. These rules have been approved by the membership of AMHA as the guidelines for which the Association is to be managed.
It has come to our attention recently that the Board of Directors has violated several rules and unnecessarily overturned the vote of the membership without proper study and consideration on several occasions. If the rules of the Association are not to be enforced for all members, it is just a matter of time until very serious problems will occur that could be very expensive to AMHA. The loss of members and registered horses will continue if the Officers and Directors do not strive to enforce all rules.
As you have accepted to be a candidate for a position on the AMHA Board of Directors, we would like to ask you some questions to help us understand your ideas, knowledge and experience involved with your decision to be a nominee. We would appreciate your answer to our questions and your permission to post your answers on the largest Miniature Horse Forum in the country, Lil This post will allow the members to know of your personal knowledge and ideas and help them become more informed before they vote for directors in their region. If you are already a member of the Forums at and would prefer to post your answers there personally, please feel free to do so, but we strongly encourage you to answer these questions and allow them to be dispalyed publicly to better educate the voters in your area so they can make a well informed decision when it comes time to place their vote. The direct link to the "official" post is
Thank you in advance for your time and dedication to answer our questions.
1. What region will you be representing?
2. How many years have you been a member of AMHA?
3. Have you held an office in AMHA or served on the Board of Directors in the past? If so, please list the years you served.
4. How many AMHA Board of Directors meetings and Annual Meetings have you attended?
5. How many AMHA Committees have you served on? Please list the name(s) of the committees and the years served.
6. What is your knowledge of the bylaws and rules of AMHA?
7. Do you believe it is important for all candidates to thoroughly understand all AMHA rules before becoming a director?
8. If a member puts their trust in you by voting for you, can the member trust you to vote to enforce all AMHA bylaws and rules?
9. How many AMHA registered horses do you own?
10. Do you show your horses, and if so, how many shows do you attend each year.
11. Please tell us what you know about the failure of the last two computer software programs purchased by the Board of Directors.
12. How important do you think it is for AMHA to have an up to date computer software program and how quickly do you think one should be purchased?
13. What will you do as a director, to encourage the purchase of a computer program, and what are your ideas concerning hiring educated people in the field of software to study the Association's needs? Who do you believe should be in charge of purchasing the program?
14. Do you know how much money has been lost in the last two computer software programs that the Board of Directors has purchased? Do you agree that the membership funds cannot afford another failure?
15. Other than the reason of the economy, why do you think the AMHA membership has decreased in such a large number in the past few years, and what do you plan to do to rebuild the membership?
16. Why do you think the revenue from AMHA registration of horses declined almost $100,000 last year?
17. Do you support the closing of the registry when hardshipping brings in so much needed funds for the AMHA?
18. If elected, how would you as director feel about having a division for horses over 34 inches tall?
19. Where do you stand on the subject of full membership voting rights?
20. Will your vote at AMHA meetings reflect that of the majority of members in your area, or your own personal opinion?
21. Do you have the strength to oppose long standing BOD members if they are asking you to vote with them when you know what they are asking is against the AMHA rules or against the majority of your area members wishes?
22. Will you do your best to see to it that measuring at AMHA shows is done correctly in your area?
Please give us any ideas you have that you will work for to improve AMHA's financial situation, increase registration, show entries and serve the membership.
The most important question. Do you have the time in your daily life to give to AMHA and the membership to serve as a Director? Will you take the time to respond to members when they contact you by telephone or email to answer their questions and concerns?
Again, thank you for your time.
The C.A.R.E Group
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