AMHA Gelding Incentive...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I was just reading on the AMHA National Meeting thread and saw mentionings of an "AMHA Gelding Incentive" program. Would love to learn more about what this is, and how does it work? I am new to AMHA, with my very first "AMHA horse". My new gelding, Chuckie, and would love to learn more about possibilities for him.

He is also AMHR registered, would there be something similar like this for him there as well? (EDITED TO ADD: He's not my first "AMHR Horse", but he IS my very first "AMHR Gelding".)
: So was wondering if this is something offered in AMHR as well.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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There are now two incentive programs in AMHA.

At the World;

The AMHA Gelding Incentive Fund (GIF) provides a unique opportunity for Youth and Amateur exhibitors to increase the value of their geldings through competition. This distinctive program offers cash awards to the Top Ten placements in eight specific classes at the World Show. They are as follows:

Amateur Junior Geldings, Levels 1 & 2

Amateur Senior Geldings, Levels 1 & 2

AOTE Geldings

Youth 13 Years & Older Exhibiting a Senior Gelding

Youth 8-12 Years Exhibiting a Senior Gelding

Youth 7 Years & Under Exhibiting a Senior Gelding

Youth 13 Years & Older Exhibiting a Junior Gelding

Youth 8-12 Years Exhibiting a Junior Gelding

Youth 7 Years & Under Exhibiting a Junior Gelding

By offering cash awards in these classes, the program aims to increase the visibility and value of AMHA geldings in Youth and Amateur competition, therefore increasing the value of all AMHA geldings. Since the conception of the GIF Program, AMHA has paid out over $226,000.00.

Enrollment in the GIF Program is automatic if you qualify, enter and exhibit at the World Show in the classes listed above. Because of this program's high level of open eligibility, it allows for a maximum number of AMHA members and exhibitors to take advantage of this unique program.

At Local Shows

This is new. It will be a one time payout based on all the points won by that gelding at local and regonal shows throughout the year. It has an entry fee of $25.00 for Amateur and $10.00 for youth. It starts this year! If you have already shown the gelding you have until April 1st to senf an entry fee to have all points counted. After April first only the points earned going forward will count.

For more information contact Earleen Roberts

Earleen Roberts

Nostalgia Farm

738 Pendleton Rd.

Pendleton KY 40055


[email protected]
Libby & Karen,

Thanks so much for all your help.

Most appreciative,


EDITED: PS. Do you know if AMHR offers this as well?
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