Well-Known Member
Oh! I wasn't aware there was any R shows! Ive tried looking online but didn't see anything. Thanks for making me aware of my mistake! I'll definitely have to check that out now. 
I feel those who voted to close AMHA is because they don't want to have AMHR horses keep coming into the gene pool. With AMHR being so involved with the Shetlands now they don't want to see the same thing happen in AMHA, which I can understand but they are limiting themselves. That's why I can not see a reason why they would vote to allow hardshipping of AMHR horses. I have only one A/R gelding, I would love too hardship my other 2 into AMHA but like you said not at these prices. Once it closes the door is closed to me for AMHA as well.I have a question concerning AMHA harshipping. Why does it cost so much to hardship in an AMHR horse that qualifies? I understand the DNA fee and the expense involved in getting the horse inspected by a director, but why is the fee itself so high? I think more would hardship in if the cost wasn't so prohibitive. My Granson has an AMHR gelding that is a great show horse, but we don't have the money to hardship him into AMHA, the cost is rediculous.
AMHR / ASPC do have a registry for any horses out of or by a registered AMHR or ASPC horse/pony. They formed the NSPPR.I also will have some beautiful descendants of my AMHR B horses I will not be able to hardship and I sure wish I could as they are terrific individuals and AMHR does not want them anymore but I will live with it and continue to support AMHA as a true registry as it develops its own unique and special breed of small equine.
And I will also for now continue as a member of AMHR hoping that soon they will recognize the value of the single registered horse and understand diversity is the key to success and throwing away the 95% to favor the 5% makes no sense genetically or fiscally!
Does it mean there would'nt exist any temporary registration needed to be brought to permanent anymore?Closing the registry may be the best thing in the world for people with AMHA registered horses. If the registry is closed, than members can SUE to keep papers on any horses out of 2 AMHA parents that go over 34".
There are AMHR shows in Lyons KansasI have an AMHR mare I planned to hardship next year! I hadn't heard this yet. This makes me a little worried I just see it that my mare fits perfectly with my AMHA mare and there is no reason to not allow my R mare in. Im pretty sure losts of people feel the same. Also in Kansas there are no R shows and you have to be A to show in our state fair something I was really looking forward too doing when I had hardshipped her. I think in Kansas this will be a bad thing not nearly as many people will be able to show around here and I think AMHA will lose money from hard shipping fees and new member fees to register their horses. I just do not think this is a good idea at all. Im all for somehow preventing this change! And I am sure there a plenty of people behind me.