Well-Known Member
My horses and I have been on the honor roll list before, but we have never had the required six points for youth or ten points for open to actually make it on the final official honor roll. This year was my last year showing as a youth and I finally made it on the 'real' list for youth showmanship 13-18.
It means a heck of a lot to me. Each year I set goals for myself and my horses. I try to set three or four realistic goals for the year and one that is the kind of goal that would be wonderful to achieve but isn't very likely. Well this year being on the official youth honor roll in one class was my goal "that would be wonderful to achieve but isn't very likely."
Thank you so much to everyone who has helped me over the years, both in person and on this forum. I owe a huge thank you to Relic here on the forum (not sure if she would want me to use her real name) for letting me show Dot Com in a couple of classes at the Camrose shows years ago. I'm not sure she realizes how much that day meant, and still means, to me. That day was a large part of why I started showing minis! Now for my question. Do you have to request that the certificate be sent or does AMHA just mail it?
A picture of Drifter and I in showmanshp:

A picture of Drifter and I in showmanshp: