This is not to spite AMHR, they are not in a contest with AMHR, and AMHR should try to stop being in a contest with AMHA.
The AMHR horse tends to look more like pony's, the AMHA horse different
But I am also tired of the nasty competitive comments between the two clubs.
I first would like to say AMHR has Never been in a Contest with AMHA ! ! Not sure why or what makes you think that. And next the "Nasty Competitive comments you are tired of , you just put several in your post
Or it seemed so to me the way I read it.
AND why would AMHR closing their Reg. being cutting off their nose to spite their face , but yet it was OK for AMHA to do

OH! Not sure where the logic is there.. ??
Next can I ask when You refer to the AMHR HORSE LOOKING ONE WAY AND THE AMHA HORSE BEING DIFFERENT ,, Tell me the two horses below where do they belong ?? Are they what type according to your post... As both have been reg. with both Assoc. for many years, And they are only one generation away from Shetland Pony.. Just trying to understand your statement above..
Buckeroo picture posted with Marianne's permission..
And I also am a member of both Assoc.. SINCE THE EARLY 1980'S !!!!!! SO I also enjoy and reg. horse with both.. ANd I also show at both National shows.. I would love someday to see both Registry's work together.. Ok now I am off my box and JUMPING WITH BOTH FEET in my FLAME SUIT..