I too would like to thank Jodi for always coming forward to answer questions...
However, like I said before, this is nothing more than a 'smoke screen' to allow already oversized horses keep their papers and continue showing, when in fact, they should not have been in the first place! Yes, feet can still be spread out, horses stretched and backs 'shrunk' to still fit into measuring. This just means that even bigger ones can now be shrunk in to fit..
Being 'grandfathered in' is only showing that folks are choosing to ignore the illegally registered horses out there and are making excuses to allow them to keep their papers that they should not have!
The top of the withers is much less able to be dropped than the rest of the back, and a much more consistant measuring spot, and less flexible with less 'shrinkage'. The official size could have been changed to 35" to accomidate the change.
I personally would have liked to have seen the current rules ENFORCED CORRECTLY, not changed to create another fiasco.
I also would like a picture to show where this measurement is supposed to take place.. so future horses going permanent can be measured in correctly.
A will now measure in one place, R another, and Europe another-
In regards to many of us not attending the meetings/conventions, etc.. sorry but many of us would love to, however cannot get the time off work, nor have the finances to do so- it is not that we dont want to!! I think that major rule changes like this should be by mailed ballot to the entire membership, not the decision of the few that consistantly run things to suit themselves.
I dont see how this is for the 'betterment' of anything except to create even more strife and hard feelings among those within the organization.