AMHA Membership Question

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Cumberland, Maine
I had a client ask me today if you MUST be an AMHA member to show at AMHA rated shows. I wasn't sure the answer, as I mostly do AMHR, so I figured I'd ask for her! She wasn't sure if she had to join AMHA to show at a few AMHA shows or if a membership wasn't required to show the rated shows.

Thanks in advance

l don't think you need to be a member but the horse needs current amha papers in order to be shown also in amature you require a card but l think you can get that without becomeing a member because l see it states member price and non member price which is 50.00
You do not need to be a member to show in AMHA shows but the horse must have current AMHA registration papers. Also if you show in amateur or youth you must have the respective card.
You do not need to be a member to show in AMHA shows but the horse must have current AMHA registration papers. Also if you show in amateur or youth you must have the respective card.
As of January 1st 2007, you will need to be a member to earn points toward the Honor Roll or to show at the Championship and World Shows.

"Article IV, Section 3

Add to Section 3:

Any person (owner or owners, amateurs, youth, trainers) that is showing at an AMHA

Championship or World Show must be an AMHA member in good standing."
Well thats new news when did that happen and does it appy to local sanctioned shows also??
Libby, thanks for posting that! I guess I hadn't paid much attention, but I'd better make sure my training clients are current AMHA members!
Well thats new news when did that happen and does it appy to local sanctioned shows also??
The 2007 rule changes can be found in the 2006 Annual Meeting Minutes. This change is on page 10 of the minutes.

There is also a 10 page file of the 2007 Rulebook Changes from the Feb 2006 BOD Mtg but at the moment I can't find it. I know it is on the AMHA page because I printed it out yesterday and have it in front of me.
Well i can tell you jen, that I wasn't a member and showed at two show's with AMHA last year.... do my guess is NO you dont' need to be a member but your horse most certainly does need paperwork in AMHA.

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