Hi, I need to get a membership in AMHA & AMHR, If I do it now, Will my membership expire the first of January or will it expire after a full year? Thanks
Don't know for sure, but I think your best bet would be to check with the registries and make sure their taking memberships for next year already, or at least make note on the applications that you are applying for membership to be through 2008.
I am a lifetime member of AMHA, so I don't renew that one...but I did get a reminder in the mail from AMHR a few weeks ago to renew for 2008, which I did (I just received my card today). I would think if you joined now, they would make it for a whole year, but I would call just to check anyway.
AMHR memberships are all due at the same time. AMHA memberships go from the date you joined. ie if you join in June 2007 you would need to renew in June 2008.