This was just posted in the other "active" AMHA thread, but it warrants repeating here.
There have been many good comments and questions posted here, unfortunately, no one seems to have all the answers, not even the BOD and EC of AMHA!
How long are the members expected to just sit by and watch while the Board ignores, violates, abuses or manipulates the rules any way they want to?
The bylaw that passed, that changes the hardship and permanent registration of horses from five years to three, was first approved to go to the Annual Meeting at the June/'08 board meeting, AND before it was even written! (see June '08 minutes as published on the site)
There were questions as to it being correct on the first day of the Feb.'09 Annual Meeting, so was held off, and was brought back to the meeting on Saturday. It was never mentioned if it got the two-thirds vote required to pass a bylaw, or if it was a majority vote. Can't be sure that it even passed legally. It was stated that 100 members were registered for the meeting on Friday, but only 79 were present and voting on Saturday just before the election of officers. Sad isn't it, that 40 members, a majority of those in attendance, could elect officers for 12,000 members??!!
If accepted as passed, it has no mention of any implementation in the bylaw. Article XIV (A) and ( C ) state that amendments passed at the Annual Meeting will go into effect on January 1, of the proceeding year. (which would be January 1, 2010.)
Article XIX of AMHA bylaws states that Robert's Rules of Order will govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.
The vice-president made a motion to pass a standing rule to start implementation of the bylaw in March 2009. Roberts Rules of Order states that no motion is in order if it is in conflict with the bylaws. If it is in conflict, the standing rule is Null and Void even if the vote is unanimous.
The whole purpose of waiting until January 1, of the proceeding year to put new rules and bylaws into effect, was to have 10 months to determine all issues involving implementation of the rules.
There was no emergency in passing a standing rule. Just because it was said that it would bring $50,000 into the association is not necessarily true. No one knows that. Sure, it may bring in the income, but in return, what will it cost AMHA to implement it? We can already see the confusion of people on this forum, wondering if they have to register their 3, 4, and 5 year old horses this year, and if so, the great expense they will have in doing so. What is the time frame to register? Will any late fees be waived? Have the directors determined how much it will cost to change the computer program to accept 3 year old hardship and permanently registered horses? Have they determined what it will cost to print new registration certificates, transfer forms and all other material that might be involved.
This is no way to handle an issue as serious as this change. Apparently the directors don't know the answer yet. They will have a teleconference call before they can answer questions, at yet more expense to the association. How about following the flow chart and getting all implementation issues worked out before a rule change is made, and then it would save the unnecessary expense of having to call a special teleconference?
It is time the members tell the Board to stop making hasty decisions. Follow the rules as they are written. Many mistakes were made last year doing this same type of hasty rule violations. We hope that with the new EC members, things will not be repeated in 2009!