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Nov 30, 2003
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I am posting this email that was sent to all Members I guess with a email address with the permission of Mary Lou. Just thought it would be nice for those members that do not have their email on file be able to read what the Pres. of AMHA wrote.. Thanks so much...

Subject: AMHA President's Letter regarding IAMHA

Date: 12/22/2006 2:33:05 P.M. Central Standard Time

From: [email protected]

Reply To: [email protected]

To: [email protected]



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Dear AMHA Member,

As your President, I feel I need to let you know what the AMHA’s view from the President’s eye is on the newly launched IAMHA Focus Group.

Right after the World Show I was contacted by John Cherry who wanted to schedule a meeting with the Executive Committee; however the E.C. lives in Kentucky, California, Connecticut and Oregon. We are quite spread out, and getting everyone together was impossible in the time frame given. I suggested and set up a conference call with Wayne Hipsley, who at that time was their spokesperson, but since then has left the group. Finally I got a call from Kenny Goodsell who said the meeting must be face to face.

I received the material off the computer, the same as everyone. The Christmas mail rush must have delayed the mail; therefore I have not received the copy mailed to me. I have mixed feelings, but want to let it be known that anything AMHA members wish to do to improve the breed or association is fine by me. God Bless. However, if they have been working on this for a year, that is six months before I became President and during my first four months, June, July, August and September I heard nothing of any ideas of improvement from anyone. However, after reading the material, I feel that there are many good ideas and observations.

I am a little dismayed that the people on their directors list are the same as AMHA’s. Two directors and committees to some extent are the same, and I am just sorry they did not share this wealth of information with their own committees in AMHA. I notice that three or so of their board members are AMHA board members, two of which are past president & vice president who resigned not six months ago. One other observation is that the whole community is from Texas and the stated shows are only in Texas at this time. We need to serve all our members everywhere, including International. These were my personal thoughts, now on to good business. The AMHA welcomes any input and help from our members. The laundry list is a good one. The following are answers from Dave Miller, an AMHA Director:

Review registration turn-around. Dave Miller: We have done this, and our current turn-around is 18 days. We have also procured a new software program.

Institute online services for registration. Dave Miller: This will be provided in the new program which is to launch in 2007.

Accept digital photos. Dave Miller: We already accept digital photos. All photos I personally send are digital. The new software will allow you to send them electronically.

Review all documents. Dave Miller: This process is currently done from time to time. Some documents must be reviewed by legal counsel.

Improve response to International. Dave Miller: I agree this needs to be done.

Publish monthly reports of registration: Dave Miller: To my knowledge, this report has never been requested.

Create oversize registry. Dave Miller: A committee was formed during the December 14 Board of Director’s meeting to research the viability of this.

Eliminate hardship. Dave Miller: This recommendation has been rejected by the membership at least twice in the last five years.

Create equine passports. Dave Miller: We have been working on this for two years. It has been difficult understanding the requirements.

Show Recommendations

Create an exhibitor membership. Dave Miller: This has been proposed, and rejected by the AMHA membership.

Standardize show software. Dave Miller: We currently have a standard AMHA Show Software and a new program will be coming in 2007.

Standardize cost of local shows. Dave Miller: I do not feel comfortable in AMHA telling local clubs what we can charge to run a show.

Get sanctioned by 4H/FFA. Dave Miller: I am all for this, it might help open a new market.

Change qualifying for the World Show. Dave Miller. We are looking into this to come up with ideas which will not kill the local shows.

Coordinate local shows including other breed shows. Dave Miller: I did not know we weren’t already doing this, except with other breeds. We in the West are doing this by listing the AMHR and Pinto shows in our magazine.

Allow protest of classes. Dave Miller: This is a new idea that I have not heard before.

Develop new activity classes. Dave Miller: Where are we to put all these classes?? Local clubs can add them if the desire.

Develop seminars. Dave Miller: We started helping with the cost of seminars last year to promote them. More help with ideas and literature for AMHA would be helpful.

Use wickets to measure. Dave Miller: This has not been brought to AMHA for discussion.

Create show stewards. Dave Miller: This program has been submitted and will be reviewed during the 2007 Annual Meeting; however the program affects local shows in the addition of a staff member.

Allow AMHA to pick judges for local shows. Dave Miller: I am totally against this idea.

Measure at the withers. Dave Miller: This was previously rejected by the membership; however it is coming back up for vote by the membership in February 2007.

Thanks to this group for sharing their ideas and thoughts and we need to build on them.

AMHA is alive and well. We are striving to work hard to better every aspect of our association.

Your up coming National Meeting in February 2007 is where you as members can speak out and approve or disapprove of anything. I’m just calling for a coming together to work side by side for the good of every member in the association.

AMHA is still here for our members in every aspect. With all the problems set forth, I await strong solutions and strong answers as to how to implement them. AMHA has a strong history and I am proud to be a part of it.

God Bless and have a Great Holiday,

Mike Want

AMHA President
:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
Thank you Belinda.

Thank you Mike.

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033::aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
Hmmm. Handled in a very professional manner, very positive, constructive and encouraging. I can't help but notice the striking difference in tone from other material we've read recently. Again, hmmmm.

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
What's a wicket?
Here is a link to a wicket currently approved for AKC Field Trials.

The ones that I have seen used and own are slightly different. They are and inverted "U" that goes over the back of the dog and has a measuring stick that comes down on the point to be measureed on the dog. The one that I have and have used is made of wood. The official ones area made of metal.
Thank you Mike. I have been waiting for the other side of the story to come out. This version seems a bit easier for me to accept.

I am proud to be a member of the AMHA.

Peg Balthazor
Excellent, it is good to hear from "the other side".

Review registration turn-around...We have also procured a new software program. Accept digital photos. We already accept digital photos...The new software will allow you to send them electronically.
Does this mean that the horses I wish to have paperwork done on right now, can have the pictures sent electronically instead of having to send in hard-copies?
Thank you Mike :aktion033: Very reassuring. I wish I/we could talk Mary Lou into having a special place here on LB for maybe monthly updates ? Letter from the President (s) or some such.

We all have so much collective input but hardly any of us actually go inform the people we need to inform when we want something done or changed. Maybe we should appoint liasons who will collect each regions suggestions and submit them to the proper place? food for thought.

Thank you for posting that, I never responded on the other thread, because I was certain there had to be more to the story!
Very succinct BUT I have to take task with the statement that certain things have been voted on "by the membership" this patently is NOT true you only have to look at the reactions to these problems here on this board.

They have been voted on by the very small, non representational numbers of members present at the meetings IF you gave out postal voting, or even better on line, as has been requested over and over and over ad nauseum you would at least get a fair representation.

I would not necessarily get my way on measuring/hardship/ shows etc but at least I would have had my say, and I would know that the judgement was truly one of the membership instead of a few individuals lucky or determined enough to get to the meetings.

Your voting system is outdated and non-representational, it is time you upgraded it, and quickly, too.

I do truly believe that this one action alone would go a long long way to restoring peoples faith in the AMHA.

I have none at the moment, much as I respect the succinctness and professional approach of your reply it does not actually give any answers nor explain why things are the way they are.

Give us a voice.

What are you afraid of???
:aktion033: Thank you Jane that topic always seems to be avoided.
THANK YOU AMHA :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

The more I've thought about the IAMHA and how they are AMHA can they possibly want the AMHA to survive if it's contrary to their gazillion dollar investment. And it's really not within the bounds of good taste to even mention how much money you have or how big your farm is.

I only have two mini's (at this time) both are AMHA registered. I never joined as a member..never saw a need until NOW. I shall be joining AMHA if for no other reason to show my support and belief in an organization I want to have continue for generations of mini's to come.

I am the typical small breeder and everytime I've contacted AMHA for help...they have given it.

Bravo AMHA and ALL it's members. :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

What are you afraid of???

I totally agree with the mail in voting. It's the only way to go in this global time. I was thinking hard about the height/measuring issue though and I really can't see it changing after this long. If measuring from the withers adds an inch or so do you know just how many mini's would no longer be able to be registered AMHA? GOBS. My guys are 28 and 29 ish so they'd be fine but look at all of the 33.25 inchers out there. I don't know what the answer is except to give these horses a special division rather than kick them out but make their offspring measure up truely (to the withers) for registration. Just a thought.
I totally agree with the mail in voting. It's the only way to go in this global time. I was thinking hard about the height/measuring issue though and I really can't see it changing after this long. If measuring from the withers adds an inch or so do you know just how many mini's would no longer be able to be registered AMHA? GOBS. My guys are 28 and 29 ish so they'd be fine but look at all of the 33.25 inchers out there. I don't know what the answer is except to give these horses a special division rather than kick them out but make their offspring measure up truely (to the withers) for registration. Just a thought.
I have to respond to this. If the measurement went to the top of the withers (which I am in FULL SUPPORT of), it couldn't be retroactive, meaning, it would only affect NEWLY registered horses, not those issued the papers under the rule of measuring at the last hair of the mane. Just like with laws in your city, state, country--say they make a new law that it is illegal to wear the color red (I know stupid example, but it should work). Does that mean that you can be punished for wearing red in the past? No. Only from the date the law is enacted and into the future.

I am another strong supporter of AMHA, and I appreciate the tone of the President's letter. Much more professional.
I don't know of any breed of horse that is measured using a wicket. If you want to heasure at the withers do so with a stick like everyone else does. Why should we all have to pay to by a new measuring device. Most of us have a perfectly good stick or 2 (A + r) IN OUR BARNS.

We will be starting to use a new computer system in early 2007 that will allow use to electronically send in registration pictures. It could also make it very much easier to change to an electronic voting system. It will make turnaround time for paperwork much shorter.

Remember our federal system in the United states is one where we vote for Representatives (directors) to protect rights and make laws. At our state level we are able to vote for some items but others are taken care of by our elected officals. We vote for all constitutional amendments (bylaws) and they have to have a 2/3 majority to pass. It is often a slow and messy process but in the end its ours.

It is slow and messy to make changes in AMHA these days. The process of having committee review of rule changes and having to wait to vote on changes does however make the process more democratic. It gives people time to talk to their directors or people they know about the proposed changes and get a better idea of the total effects a change might make. It gives members the chance to attend the meeting if they are able or talk to others that will attend. It makes it impossible for a group to change a rule at 11pm that the membership voted for at 4pm. I hear people wanting to change campaign funding process in the US. I don't hear people wanting to change our type of government and go to a monarchy.

There are a lot of positive changes being worked out in AMHA but all of a sudden we have all this IAMHA info thrown at us. So we don't focus on the positive changes already in the works?

I have heard some of the old guard complaining that "the little people are taking over the AMHA". What do we really want the AMHA to be? It is a member driven organization. The members have the last word. We are the members. We can tear it apart or build it up. If you want to build it up, submit your rule changes. Look for positive things that can be done. If you don't hear back from your directors be a thorn in their side. Write a letter to Mike Want. Tell him you want to know what happened to your proposal. Let others in your district know why you want a different director. If your are not a member that is fine but please try talking about what you are a member of.
Not to go off on too much of a tanget, but ...

What is interesting to me about AMHA and AMHR is you pay your membership dues, but you don't really get to have a say, or a vote, unless you attend the national convention.

Both organizations need to be inclusive, not exclusive.

In governmental elections, you can vote via absentee ballot. With this newfangled thing called the Internet, why can't that be done by AMHA and AMHR members? One argument against this could be that, at the national convention, items up for vote often change or are tweaked and you have to be there to be informed about changes and tweaks. Well, if the respective AMHA and AMHR websites had voting issue updates during the convention, people who want to vote would be informed enough to vote.

Not everyone who cares about AMHA or AMHR, or both, can come up with the time or the finances to attend a national convention. That doesn't mean they care any less about what is being discussed

I just saw a story online where Papa John's pizza can be ordered online and you'll get it delivered in under an hour. Papa John's expects more than $200 million in sales this year. If you can order a pizza with all the fixings and be wolfing it down within an hour of ordering it, why can't these organizations use the Internet to reach out to its members to vote as well as get more input than they're currently receiving.
Items up for a vote by the membership cannot be changed or tweaked at that point. They can only be voted yes or no.

Changes and tweaks come way back in the process when the committees are reviewing the propsals. Those changes and tweaks can only come about if the person submitting the proposal agrees to the change.

Something to keep in mind with any propsal you submit is can that new rule be enforced? Can it be proven, is it defensable in a court of law if someone were to sue us over that rule? Is it in violation of our bylaws?

That is something that causes a lot of proposals to die in committee and go no further. They are vague, the reasoning behind them is not clear, not easily proven. Then if there is no contact info, the committee cannot call the originator to work on clarifying them.

If you submit a rule change proposal that is contrary to another rule, be sure to submit supporting changes or yours cannot be considered.
Items up for a vote by the membership cannot be changed or tweaked at that point. They can only be voted yes or no. Changes and tweaks come way back in the process when the committees are reviewing the propsals. Those changes and tweaks can only come about if the person submitting the proposal agrees to the change.
Too bad AMHR doesn't operate that way. At least one proposal at this year's AMHR convention was tweaked quite a bit before being voted upon, and then enacted in a form that wasn't what the member proposing it had in mind.
Items up for a vote by the membership cannot be changed or tweaked at that point. They can only be voted yes or no. Changes and tweaks come way back in the process when the committees are reviewing the propsals. Those changes and tweaks can only come about if the person submitting the proposal agrees to the change.
Too bad AMHR doesn't operate that way. At least one proposal at this year's AMHR convention was tweaked quite a bit before being voted upon, and then enacted in a form that wasn't what the member proposing it had in mind.
Can you tell me which proposal that was you are talking about ?? The only way a proposal can be tweaked as you call it !! Is if the person that wrote the proposal is there to agree to the change , otherwise it has to go as submitted.. I attend every committee meeting and I have never seen it done any other way..
Items up for a vote by the membership cannot be changed or tweaked at that point. They can only be voted yes or no.

Changes and tweaks come way back in the process when the committees are reviewing the proposals. Those changes and tweaks can only come about if the person submitting the proposal agrees to the change.

Something to keep in mind with any proposal you submit is can that new rule be enforced? Can it be proven, is it defensible in a court of law if someone were to sue us over that rule? Is it in violation of our bylaws?

That is something that causes a lot of proposals to die in committee and go no further. They are vague, the reasoning behind them is not clear, not easily proven. Then if there is no contact info, the committee cannot call the originator to work on clarifying them.

If you submit a rule change proposal that is contrary to another rule, be sure to submit supporting changes or yours cannot be considered.

You brought in the present rules and they cannot be enforced!!

WHY does it take so long to bring in a new rules- ,make and amendment and get that changed, straight off.

I cannot see any reason whatsoever- except all the wrong reasons, for the systems to be in place that are in place.

Scrap them- chuck them out, start again.

What you have got is not only not working it is not what the membership want, and before you ask how would I know- and how would the AMHA know what the membership want- they don't listen to them

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