AMHA Shows, heights

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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I was filling out some entry froms for a show I am going to in June, and I decided to measure my horse. He measured right at 34" at his last show as a two year old in August.

Anyway, I measured him tonight, and sometimes he measures at 33.75, sometimes 34" and sometimes 34".5. He does need a bit of a hoof trim, but I am not sure how much this will help. I am hardshipping him into AMHR, but my papers won't be back in time.

So, my question is, should I go ahead and enter him in AMHA? If he was your horse would you show him? I don't want to waste my money on non-refundable entry fees if he gets turned away, not to mention the embarassment.
This is just my opinion, but I find that the larger horses continue to grow throough their third or even fourth years, so I would expect that he may have grown a little since last year. I personally would not take him to an AMHA show at this point. You would lose your entry fees if he did not measure in; it would be embarrassing to you, and there is a lot of difference in how some people measure a horse--even the same person gets different heights (I do as well). It is even stressful to take a mature horse that actually measures right at 34" to an A show, and keep your fingers crossed that he will measure in. I would go ahead and get his R papers and show him this year at R shows. They are fun and you will be able to show regardless of how much he grows this year. Then if he does finish at 34" you can start showing him again next year in A.

That's what I would do, and do myself in such a case.

I Agree - you could have AMHR expedite the papers, they can turn them around overnight for the right fee, and it's not too bad.
I live in Canada, and on the form it said that the rush fees were US only. Is it still possible to rush the papers even to Canada?

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