Just a reminder that everyone that lives in a Area that is having elections for YOUR Director should be sure and attend your meeting , and VOTE for who you think will represent your Area the best.. The place of meeting for each area is listed in last months Journal or you can call the office and they will be glad to tell you ..
Remember we have two seats in each area , one is a SHETLAND SEAT the other is called a Open Seat , ( this is really the Miniature peoples seat ) but without going into a lot of history , anyone can run for the open seat , ( Shetland or Miniature ) At this time There is NOT a lot of Miniature Representation on the board, and if you Miniature folks want to be heard , You had better make sure the person you vote for will make sure your interest are taken care of .. I can only think of ONE person running in a contested area , that is truly a Miniature Horse person and he has been on the board for some time and ALWAYS seen to it , that the Miniature people were heard... These elections are IMPORTANT , as ASPC /AMHR is Dependent on their board to run the Organization !!! So if you want to be heard make sure your Director is one that will take those thoughts and wishes REGARDLESS OF HIS /HER personal feeling with them to the Board Room...
This is only my opinion !!!! I am NOT campaigning for anyone , just wanting to make the Miniature folks aware that there are not many seats held by folks that own / show / breed / miniature horses.. We fought long and hard to get the open seats now we need to keep them..
And to my friends and fellow board Members please do not take this personal.. <<<LOL>>>>
Remember we have two seats in each area , one is a SHETLAND SEAT the other is called a Open Seat , ( this is really the Miniature peoples seat ) but without going into a lot of history , anyone can run for the open seat , ( Shetland or Miniature ) At this time There is NOT a lot of Miniature Representation on the board, and if you Miniature folks want to be heard , You had better make sure the person you vote for will make sure your interest are taken care of .. I can only think of ONE person running in a contested area , that is truly a Miniature Horse person and he has been on the board for some time and ALWAYS seen to it , that the Miniature people were heard... These elections are IMPORTANT , as ASPC /AMHR is Dependent on their board to run the Organization !!! So if you want to be heard make sure your Director is one that will take those thoughts and wishes REGARDLESS OF HIS /HER personal feeling with them to the Board Room...
This is only my opinion !!!! I am NOT campaigning for anyone , just wanting to make the Miniature folks aware that there are not many seats held by folks that own / show / breed / miniature horses.. We fought long and hard to get the open seats now we need to keep them..
And to my friends and fellow board Members please do not take this personal.. <<<LOL>>>>

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