Until I purchased a Shetland this past year, I was one of those "die-hard" individuals that thought minis were THE only thing that was important. THEY were the BEST, the BRIGHTEST, and put the most money in the coffers and should be the "future".However, if you carefully listen to the PEOPLE that own Shetlands and the ones that own Minis, you get the distinct difference in how they think. Just look on this forum how the minis people RIP on the Shetlands. Go to the Shetland forum and that's not happening in the reverse. I'm not saying that mini people are rude or difficult but we have been brainwashed, so to speak, from the first start in minis that our horses were special and Shetlands were the "difficult" ones. I was just as insulted when I first started that our money went into the same pot as the Shetlands and that ALL the pictures in the magazine were Shetlands. I didn't understand then about covering different shows like Congress in one issue and Nationals in another.
I'm not so good with the words but we need to be more open. We need to look at things from both perspectives. NO I'M NOT A DEMOCRAT. I'm not a breeder nor trainer. I just LOVE showing! I just feel that if you (we) think that we're the best, we're slighted, we, WE WE....maybe "we" should try a few steps in "their" shoes. The Shetlands really are wonderful, sweet animals and their attendance is down (the economy isn't helpful) and they need support and help. Hmmm, I believe this was how minis got started---- a helping hand and some understanding ...could it really hurt?