Without a membership directory that is available to all members, the only value in being a member is a venue with which to register our animals. I have asked that since "confidentiality" is a concern - that members be given the option to be on the list or not on the list (a non-response would indicate a 'no'). As a former breeder, show person and one who has actively researched horses, bloodlines, etc etc etc as well as a web designer for many miniature horse breeders, the directory was a VERY VERY VERY valuable tool for BUYING as well as selling. Now I am forced to rely on my 2004-2005 printed directory....which is pretty much worthless as ---- well, you get the picture. Even though it is terribly out of date, I still refer to it almost daily (and pound my head against the table in frustration)!!!!!
I plan on raising the question when I am at the ASPC/AMHR convention in Little Rock this November. I know that the response I get will be "confidentiality" but there MUST be some way for members to communicate. While listings on Lil Beginnings are helpful, they are just the VERY tiny tip of the iceberg - and do not even begin to encompass the more than 7,000 members.