I have read all these and thought how I would handle this situation -- well, a deadline is a deadline -- just like filing your income tax retun that date changes from year to year based on if the 15th is on a weekend -- just like deadlines with a court of law, you miss those you probably lose you lawsuit or find find yourself in worse trouble.
Here is my story and I could have been on the outside looking in this year.
I was home flat on my back almost in the hospital with a sever kidney infection. I heard on the news that it was the 25th of July--something went off in my brain about the date. I called my trainer and she thought the entries closed Friday the 27th. I called another friend of mine and she said no the entries closed that day. I scambled and called the trainer and said must get them in today!!!!
Train (thank heavens) lives 4 miles from me. She made out my entries, came to my home and got my check, a copy of my handicap plaquard, and amateur card. She called her other clients and got them to fax all their info to her and got the package together. She took the package to the post office, got out of the car, when inside and gave the package to the Post Master asking that it be post marked right then said no problem and hand stamped it while she was there.
Yes we had to do a lot of scambling to get our entries in on time but we did it. If the person/people in question took the change and placed their entries in a drop box at the post office--I'm sorry--it only takes a couple of minutes to park your vehicle, take the envelope/package into the PO; hand it to the post master and ask that it be postmarked right then. They will do it so you can see that it was done. Even if you express mail it/overnight it they will still hand stamp the package.
To me if you have spent the time to qualify and are going to Nationals--you know there is an entry deadline every year --- the deadline is no more important that any other deadline like your tax return. We all knew when it was. It was stated in so many places. I know all of us have busy lifes with lots of things on our mind. If I had not had a bell go off in this old brain that was medicated I would have missed the deadline along with my trainer and all of her clients and I will say up front -- would have been no excuse except our own.
To me a deadline is a deadline, if your going to allow an excuse for one then you better allow an excuse for all and what a can of worms will that open up? Maybe next time they will pay a little closer attention.
Important dates are place not only on my IPhone calendar, it is on my home computer, work computer and the calender in my purse--I almost always look at one of those at least once during the day.
Off my soapbox now -- I could easily have been one of those on the outside and I could have called and told the home office about my illness and plead my case but in the end -- my fault I would have missed the deadline--not my trainer's or any of her other clients. I as the owner always call my trainer and ask before the closing date of ANY show if entries have been mailed.