yep, you cannot blame the registry for the shows on the list being
'pending' instead of 'approved'. To be approved the show committee must have its show book completed, show sanction application all filled out and signed, sanctioning fees paid--judges and steward must be booked, class list must be complete.
The show approvals are kind of an ongoing thing, because show committees/managers sometimes don't get their paperwork into the registry until just before the deadline, which is 60 days prior to the show date. So, while the April shows will have their applications sent in already, the July shows don't have to have theirs in until May, and the August shows not until June.
You can pretty much count on the shows being approved, especially if its a long standing show that runs year after year. I wouldn't scratch a show off my list of planned events just because it's still in pending status--you can pretty much count on their being approved in time for the show to be held as planned. Once in awhile one will get cancelled prior to being approved--perhaps due to lack of volunteers to run the show, perhaps due to lack of funds, or who knows what reason causes a show to be cancelled--but I don't think too many of them get dropped off in any given year.
Our June show here, for instance, is still in pending status, but plans are very near to being complete. I have to get the show manager's signature on the application and the judge's contract and then it can be sent in for approval. The class list is complete, the entry form is done, the show fees are all set, the officials are hired--I expect to have it all sent into the registry by March 1st, a little over 3 mos. prior to the date of the show. That allows me plenty of time to make revisions if I've messed something up, but hopefully I haven't--last year (my first attempt at putting together a show book for an ASPC/AMHR show) the show got approved on the first try.
A show can post its show book prior to the show being approved, but only if there is a notice on the first page making it clear to all that the show is still 'pending approval'--I think most shows don't post their show books until after the show is approved just because it's easier that way.