AMHR shows

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
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I have just started showing a little in AMHR, and I am wondering why there are so few judges for these shows. I was hoping to go the the Area show in Lincoln this weekend, but I can't really drive that far for a one judge show, as I wouldn't qualify for Nationals then, and would have to drive a long distance for another show anyway. Are all AMHR shows one or two judge shows, typically? Guess I will just have to pick the two judge shows. Guess I was just wondering.....

no they are not all only one or two judge shows... some are triple judged... i do not understand why an AREA show would only have one judge and why it shouldn't also be amanditory show for a nationals qualification. I came from a big horse background and the way they do things in mini's is just odd to me. an AREA show should be a big deal (next biggest thing to nationals pretty much). I can understand them not making you qualify to show at an area show because many locations that is one of the few show's you CAN go to..however it should be made into a bigger event by trying to attract more participants to show at it. To do this it should be a manditory point(s) towards nationals... which means every horse that intends on showing at nationals from your area will be at that show... and quite frankly i think it should have more judges to make it more worth while for participants to go to. Many area's (mine included) must drive HUNDREDS of miles to get to a show... it's almost not worth it! Why do people want to go show there if they figure the judge doesn't like their horse(s) that day your just SOL ... you get not points or ribbons...where a 2-3 judged show you have 2-3 other judges that have an opinion and may very well like your animal(s).

As for qualifying for nationals you would still need to show at one other show (basically two show's are manditory) weather the Area show was single or double judged. The rules state that you must show at two seperate show's to get qualified (however you may already have one other judge if you went to another single judged show?).
Most AMHR shows have between 2 - 4 judges, thats pretty standard. If you are talking about an Area show as in the regional show for the area you are in, then that one judge counts as 3. You get triple points, it counts as three judges toward the 4 you need to show under to qualify for Nationals. But this is only the Area shows.
You either have to have 1 judge for a National Area show, or you have to combine scores.

You can't have 2 Champions for a National show in the same class.

Does that make sense ? It's not like a regular show where each judge gets an opinion.

That's why there's one judge but triple the points.

Or at least that's how I see it.

As far as only 2 judges, look at the fee per class at AMHR and compare it with the fee for an AMHA 4 judge show. I can only afford 2 judges at a time myself.
well that's true i didn't look at it that way..HOWEVER i would think they could do some sort of tallying of the scores and average them like say something like'd still have the opinion of 2-3 judges/points but it would allow you to level the playing field (just like at nationals ect..). it might make it a bit more complicated..but seriously.. Area show's SHOULD be a much bigger deal than they are in my book.
Good Morning Albahurst,

First, a National Area Show (ASPC/AMHR) counts as (3) three judges. It has always been a one judge show up until recently (as in the past few years) that you MIGHT see two judges at one of the National Area shows. Our club, the ASPC/AMHR Club of North Texas started using (2) two judges since our class list is well over 400 classes. We would hire a judge for the Miniature division and a judge for the Shetland division. When you have one judge it would work them so that they were pretty exhausted by the time a three day show was over with.

Some areas don't have that many participants at their National Area Shows so a host club, show manager or individual might hire just one person to handle the entire show. You still get to count an Area show as part of your qualifiying to the AMHR Nationals. This rule change close to ten years ago as it put a stop to a lot of folks from pulling horses out of the pasture, bringing them to an Area show to qualify for the AMHR Nationals. The rule was put into place to be sure that those horses attended at least two shows, show under four judges to qualify. Yes some areas may not have as many AMHR shows. That is the time that folks need to step up to the plate, band together and put on shows in those area where there are few and far between.

Here in Area 5 we are fortunate that we can attend a show just about every weekend or every other weekend from as early as March (sometimes in February) till November.

I have just started showing a little in AMHR, and I am wondering why there are so few judges for these shows. I was hoping to go the the Area show in Lincoln this weekend, but I can't really drive that far for a one judge show, as I wouldn't qualify for Nationals then, and would have to drive a long distance for another show anyway. Are all AMHR shows one or two judge shows, typically? Guess I will just have to pick the two judge shows. Guess I was just wondering.....

Don't know where you're located Peggy but the area show in Lincoln counts as 3 judge show even though there is only 1 judge. It fair - nor not- depending on whether you get placed, I guess.

Area VI did a good job running the show we attended last year so we're going this year.

I understand what you're saying about no close shows as Wisconsin doesn't have much either.
The only problem with a one judge show is that the judge may not like your

horse times 3.
At least with three different judges you have the

chance that at least one of them will.
Our last one judge show was

comical to say the least, without going into sordid details.

I will not drive out of my way to a one judge show for that reason again. Mary
Peggy, you did show at one AMHR show recently and if you go to the Area show, then woudn't you be qualified for AMHR Nationals? Someone correct me if I'm wrong....
Becky, you are correct. You have to show under 4 judges at two or more locations (shows) EXCEPT for the Area Shows which count triple points and as 3 judges--so if you went to on local show with 2 judges and then the Area show for your area that would qualify that horse for the "R" Nationals.

Look in the "R" Rule book under Part 30. C. 2.
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well that's true i didn't look at it that way..HOWEVER i would think they could do some sort of tallying of the scores and average them like say something like'd still have the opinion of 2-3 judges/points but it would allow you to level the playing field (just like at nationals ect..). it might make it a bit more complicated..but seriously.. Area show's SHOULD be a much bigger deal than they are in my book.
Four years ago we could do that and Area VI did at the Area National show that was held at Mason City, IA in 2004 - it was a 3 judge show using a weighted average scoring system. The rule was changed for 2005 though so that we can no longer offer a 3 judge weighted average scoring system at an Area National show.
Thank you all for the posts. I had earlier spoken with the Area 'person'- I think a show manager- and I understood that the points were tripled but the number of judges stayed as one, so that is why I am confused, I guess. It sounds like perhaps both the points and number of judges are tripled?

Yes, I went to one AMHR show recently - a two judge show- and was needing one more show with two judges, but understood the Area show would be worth only one judge and that would get me to only 3 judges. But, perhaps that is not the way it really is after all- Area shows are worth 3 judges even though there is only one there?


An ASPC/AMHR National Area Show counts as (3) Judges and you get (3) sets of Points. Even though a National Area Show can have (1) or (2) judges, one judge for each division, a miniature judge and a shetland judge, they still count as (3) judges for each of those divisions.

So, if you already went to (1) AMHR show, showed under (2) judges, then you went to an Area National Show that had the (1) judge you would COMPLETE your qualifications for the AMHR Nationals since that Area National show counted as (3) judges.

Everyone that shows an AMHR Miniature MUST show two seperate shows under (4) Judges to qualify their horse. Unlike AMHA who had (quess they still do for this year?) has to qualify their horses for EACH class they want to participate in. In AMHR once your horse meets the (4) judge qualification, you can show an ANY class at the AMHR National show.

Example: You have not participated in ANY Liberty classes at the two shows you went to. Got to the AMHR National Show and decided you wanted to participate in the Liberty class. You CAN due to the fact your horse is qualified to participate at the AMHR Nationals. The ONLY division that you CANNOT add classes for is the YOUTH. They must declare what classes they are going to participate before the show starts, there are NO post entering of Youth classes AFTER the closing date of entries for the AMHR National Show.


Hope this helps.


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