AMHR Who's Who - The Names You Remember

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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The ASPC/AMHR/ASPR/NSPPR has undertaken a colossal project: the digitization of all the old registration files! When an organization is more than 100 years old, there are some interesting things in the oldest files. Registration certificates from the early 20th century are practically art work. The digitization will take years, but, once done, we hope to find a way to share the files with members.

To accomplish this monumental task, the association began working with a professional source nearly a year ago to scan the old paperwork and preserve it for posterity. To date, 33 boxes of old records have been digitized but there are hundreds more to go. Once the project is done, ASPC/AMHR/ASPR/NSPPR will not store all of the old paperwork as it will continue to detetriorate over time. The old files will eventually be destroyed. However, the club's Historical Committee will target a few historically significant files to keep, preserve and curate.

When you think of historically signficant horses, which names come up? Please share your thoughts. We'd love to hear from you.

Feel free to discuss here. However, don't forget to actually share your thoughts with the committee and individuals doing the work. Please copy your posts and email your suggestions to:

The Historical Committee looks forward to hearing from you!
The Wheeler horses, in particular to me; Wheeler's Fire Engine Red and Wheeler's Black Minx. The Komoko horses, especially Whiskey. Remember in IL 'Land of Oz' minis? Ohio prefix minis?

In Shetland's I could reel off lots and lots.
Some of the older greats in my mind that haven't been mentioned:
Prince Tennessee Monashee
NFC Farms (Bob & Sandy Irwin) and Hemlock Brook's Egyptian King
Rhoten's Little Dandy
The Jandts horses, especially Jandts Bay N Bee. Sonrisas Hajel and ARC Lolli Pop. Texans Playboy and the sire of Contender, i'm having a brain block right now. Just a few names that you don't hear about too often, but that played an integral part of shaping the miniature horse breed. I'm sure others will touch on more of the well known names.
Great start.

Please remember, we are looking for SPECIFIC horse's exact names. Great start. Continue to talk amongst yourselves. However, please also email your suggestion to the address noted in the original post. That's the best way to be sure your suggestions are included.

Great job!
I'm not sure about National Standings, but do remember that some of the first miniature horse websites / breeders that I really loved were Kickapoo, Fikes, Dark Moon...
Lazy N Redboy of course comes to mind for me and I am sure Erica . He sired many National Champions in life and still many of his Grand Get are competing at Nationals.. And we sure can not forget his friend Boones Little Buckeroo , The people also that went with the horses... Lowell Boone , Little King Farm , Max Lawson !

Also would like to say if I could find pictures , when the AMHR National Show was moved to LITTLE ROCK ,ARKANSAS held during the Arkansas state fair as a "Fund Raiser for the Arkansas Barrel Racing Assoc" !! Yes we held it in Arkansas for Two Years , I believe the years were 91' & 92 " went from 40 horse show in Ohio to over 200 Miniature horses in Little Rock , Maybe some more of this will come to mind !! If anyone can add anything to that time period it would be great ..
Good suggestions. Don't forget .. to be sure your suggestions aren't overlooked & are put into consideration, please email them to the committee. We don't want to miss great ideas because we don't frequent a forum.
I just have to say perhaps the committees should consider using the forums for public input instead of always expecting others to seek you out...would make so many feel more valued and more a part of what is happening with the registry.
Komokos Little King Supreme!

He was one of the greats who crossed well with Buckeroo which a lot of farms have in their programs. (including mine)

He was also a great stallion that produced lots of champions as well. His get and grand get are highly prized.
I would like to name, as our Ambassador, a horse that most have never heard of -


D & S Sweet & Low” (1986 - 2006)

I purchased “Sweet” from Dale Lutke and Bob Roudebush in 1992 for $750.00. He was an all around stallion. He fathered many of the horses in our hitch. He won or was part of winning 27 National Championships in Draft, Chariot, Sunday in the Park, and Carriage Classes. In his time, Hall of Fame was not available for Draft Classes.

He participated in 5 Equitanas, Equine Affairs in Ohio and Kentucky, 6 Circus World Parades, Kentucky Derby, Indy 500, St. Louis 4th of July & Christmas Parades, Horse Progress Days, demos at Breyerfest, State Fairs in Indiana and Kentucky and Opryland as well as numerous rodeos, county fairs and as many as 40 local parades each year.

It’s as easy estimate that he performed before 1 million people in his career. He was always our go-to-guy and always gave all he had. We miss him. He certainly represented the Registry well in and out of the show ring.

Thanks -

Hal & Deb Bryant
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Great job.

Keep them coming.

FYI ... we may be speeding up when we need to complete the list. Will try to pull what we can from here. You are providing some great ideas.

Unfortunately, busy, busy schedules mean committee volunteers aren't always online. If someone here wants to get involved w/ the subcommittee & maybe start collecting names here & forwarding to the committee, that would be great. We don't want to miss any good suggestions here. We continue work on the list in another format and are getting the Shetland names, too. If you want to help, great! Email We've got a great volunteer copying the Shetland names from the various places they are being shared. Would love to have a vol do the same for the AMHR names.

You can post suggestions here. Or, you can email them to aspchistoricalcommittee@gmail. Hoping someone can help us keep track of the great discussions you forum members offer. Wish we had more time to spend on the forums but there's just a great deal happening w/ the committee... People Hall of Fame, 120+ years of record preservation, dozens of years of photos to work with and many anniversary activities (display, fundraising, youth, COOL, party, etc).

Thanks for all the great ideas. And, if you can help us collect the names from here, don't hesitate to let the committee know.

Keep up the great suggestions! You guys have made some stellar ones. Have copied out the ones so far.
Is the committee looking just for historically significant stallions?

Or is it also interested in geldings who have made a mark in the show ring? If that's the case: Classique's Phantom Gold.

Phantom, we believe, is the only AMHR-registered mini with nine Hall of Fames (Halter, Hunter, Jumper, Liberty, Versatility, Country Pleasure Driving, Pleasure Driving, Roadster and Park Harness). And he has AMHR Nationals wins in Hunter, Jumper, Liberty, Roadster and Park Harness.
The ASPC/AMHR is undertaking a project to digitize old records. OLD records. This is not a stallion list .... or a mare list ... or a gelding list. It is a list of names that .... should we decide to keep ANY of the old paperwork in hard copy form ... whose paperwork should it be? This isn't a list of show horses ... it's not a list of top breeding stallions. It's not about who did what, when, how. It's only reference. This list will not be official. It will not be used in any fashion ... other than to help determine IFFFF the association keeps any old hard copy files once everything is digitized.

This is simply changing the format of all the old records in storage.

Right now, we are dealing only w/ files in storage. Think Shetland files from the 50s & 60s & before. Eventually it will all be digitized ... including current ponies and all Miniatures. No file will be missed when it comes to digitization. Maybe then, members can see things like ... I don't know ... Curtiss-Frisco Pete's original application for registration ... if it's even in the file. When we found King Larigo's file, his reg application wasn't in there ... just copy of his papers & some progeny lists.

There are no pictures in the files.

There are no show records.

Any member may recommend any name they want. It's just a point of reference in a really huge project.

Will try to get her periodically to copy out names suggested. Or, you can email them directly to

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