Did you read the question? It wasn't for people who are members of AMHA!

Of course any any one who is a member of AMHA does care and should definitely speak up as to what they think is wrong with it. Hopefully the AMHA BOD will be reading and paying heed to these kinds of remarks. We need one good registry that fits the needs of all members and will listen. Most of the time when listening to people who were AMHA members but dropped out, the reason for leaving was simply that they liked the taller minis which AMHR allowed.
But Mary that is quite an assumption, I didnt leave due to wanting only taller horses many farms succesfully breed both. Most I know didnt leave due to wanting taller horses many left due to issues with the registry and feeling as there voice didnt matter and wasnt important
Any really it relates to ANYONE who has miniature horses as every person that left AMHA is costing AMHA every foal that is no longer being registered is costing AMHA every state that has NO AMHA shows is costing AMHA
What goes on in the breed in any given registry should be of a concern to all miniature horse breeders and something everyone wants to keep apprised of.
It benifits those who don't show or breed AMHR horses to know what is going on in that registry as well as ALL OF IT pertains to us and the future of our breed and helps us to make informed decisions on what we choose to participate in or not.
There were no shows in my area even in CA and the shows they had had 15-20 horses hardly meaning anyone was better then another to qualify. One show with one class would have cost me (and this was 2 hours away so local no health papers or hotels) over 100 dollars remember for ONE class- again not feasible for me.
Raven has had the opportunity to place top ten, National Champion and Res National Champion as well as the opportunity to not place at all. To come to the realization of what her horse is capable of. To work hard all year at 8-9 years old doing ALL the fitting and conditioning of her horse by herself - so she could feel darn good about walking in the ring at Nationals ribbon or not. I myself have been able to feel the pride of walking out with Top Tens and the realization of my program and changes needed when walking out with nothing- Why on earth do I care who else or how many other horses are in the ring and if I feel they are good enough to be there or not. That really has no effect on how my horse does. Especially if the gripe is someone feels many horses arent good enough to be there then how on earth would those horses you deem not good enough have any effect on your placing?
We have been to Nationals a few times now and have learned from all of them. No way I could improve my breeding program and make proper changes and decisions had I not had horses at the National show I can tell you in many local areas you don't get an idea of the true compitition and amount of quality horses out there. Great way for people to learn and improve.
So yes the show thing was a huge issue for me
I had plenty of reasons for leaving AMHA and from them grew my want for a B program even though again I do have some A reg horses
Although the one thing I can say for sure is.. this thread is reminding me why i am no longer a member and why I choose other regestries.
No registry is perfect and none run according to Lisa(thank goodness for that)
But I can say after much thought and seeing everyone elses imput I have changed my mind and would not participate in AMHS for many of the same reasons I personally chose to leave AMHA in the first place- not that anyone else should care but only letting Ronnie know since he did ask for opinions from all.
LOL sunny I see we were posting at the same time and am glad others see the importance of knowing what is going on and caring about the breed as a whole!