We were at WCMHR this past weekend. There was a fair turn -out and some really good horses!!
Lots of newbies!!
Lee Crutchfield was great and took time to talk to EVERY child and newbie!!
The show was well organized and ran very smooth this year!!
most of the glitches were small and easily fixed.
We had an awesome show - took too many horses but wanted them to get to see some competition!!
My new stallion had his best show yet, winning in model b, sr B, OTE B, and grand champion stallion - got a neck thingy!!!
My B mare did good - esp since this was straight out of the pasture - no sweating or working (she has been on mommy duty
) - winning reserve in model and sr mare B and champion shown by youth, then reserve grand B mare! Got a neck thingy...
Our best surprise was our oops baby - by my daughter's gelding...Immy won every class she was in except supreme!! She got TWO neck thingies!
more to come....